Faculty By Department
Department of Health Behavior and Clinical Sciences
Abdelnabi, Samia Clinical Assistant Professor
Abrams Rich, Elizabeth Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Ammerman, Beth A Clinical Assistant Professor
Anderson, Harry L Adjunct Clinical Professor
Arslanian-Engoren, Cynthia Professor
Artymovich, Gabrielle LEO Adjunct Lecturer
Berkowski, Jennifer Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Betancourt, Shelly L. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Bhashiam, Resmi Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Blush, Ray Clinical Assistant Professor
Blush, Raymond R. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Bohn, Diane Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Boucher, Nicole L. Clinical Assistant Professor
Bouwkamp, Nathan Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Boyd, Carol J. Professor Emerita
Brown, Abby Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Brown, LaToya Clinical Assistant Professor
Bruggeman, Teresa M. Assistant Professor Emerita
Brush, Barbara L. Professor
Burlen-Davis, Katie Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Burns, Jade Assistant Professor
Cagle, Sandra Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Caputo, Kelly Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Casady, Nicole Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Crone, Barbara Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Crowder-Martin, Tisha Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Dahlem, Chin Hwa (Gina) Clinical Associate Professor
Darbes, Lynae Professor
Darling-Fisher, Cynthia S. Clinical Associate Professor Emerita
Deibel, Megan Adjunct Clinical Instructor
DeLuca, Chelsea LEO Intermittent Lecturer
Dornbos, Darcy Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Dottin, Stephania Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Drummond, Nora Clinical Assistant Professor
Duffy, Elizabeth A. Clinical Associate Professor
Dunlap, Hayley Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Eagle, Megan J. Clinical Assistant Professor
Egnor, Tara Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Evans-Polce, Rebecca Research Associate Professor
Feldman, Barry Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Fink , Margaret L. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Fladger, Jessica S. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Franklin, Mary Clinical Assistant Professor
Gammon, Brian Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Garbus, Alexandrea Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Giordani, Bruno J. Adjunct Professor
Gisslen, Keri J. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Goldstein, Dawn Adjunct Assistant Professor
Guerrero, Maricela Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Guise, Meagan Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Gultekin, Laura Clinical Assistant Professor
Haberkorn, Elizabeth Clinical Assistant Professor
Hagerty, Bonnie M. Associate Professor Emerita
Halabicky, Olivia M Assistant Research Scientist
Hammis, Kelley Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Helman, Jennifer Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Hershberger, Patricia Professor
Holden, Janean E. Professor Emerita
Hortsch, Sarah Becker Clinical Assistant Professor
Hughes, Susan D. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Johnson, Florence Research Fellow
Joiner, Kevin Assistant Professor
Jones, Heather Clinical Assistant Professor
Jones, Lenette M. Associate Professor
Judd, Lauren Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Kahle, Erin M Associate Professor
Kane Low, Lisa Professor
Kanzawa-Lee, Grace Clinical Assistant Professor
Keys, April D. Clinical Professor
Kifer, Holly Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Klingberg-Allvin, Marie Adjunct Professor
Knoerl, Robert Assistant Professor
Koster, Sara L Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Kothawala, Soona Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Krapohl, Greta L. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Kuzma, Elizabeth K. Clinical Associate Professor
Lamar, Abigail J Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Larson, Janet L. Professor
Lee, Deborah Clinical Assistant Professor
Lenz, Sherry Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Lori, Jody R. Professor
Lyon, Mandy M. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Maguire, Sarah LEO Adjunct Lecturer
Marsack, Jessica Clinical Assistant Professor
Marvicsin, Donna J. Clinical Associate Professor Emerita
Maslowsky, Julie Associate Professor
Mason, Heidi Clinical Assistant Professor
McCabe, Sean Esteban Professor
McGuinness, Mary Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Miller, Janis M. Professor
Miller, Nicole S. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Miller, Susan M Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Mongilio, Jessica Research Fellow
Moore, Scott Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Morgan, Colleen Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Munro-Kramer, Michelle L. Associate Professor
Mutumba, Massy Assistant Professor
Nault, Christine Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Nelson, Kathryn Clinical Assistant Professor
Newman, Jessica Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Nicaise, Timothy Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Pacurar, Lavinia Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Pardee, Michelle Clinical Associate Professor
Park, Sungwon Research Fellow
Pasman, Emily Research Fellow
Patil, Crystal Professor
Peercy, Laurie Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Peitzmeier, Sarah M. Adjunct Assistant Professor
Pickerign, Reanna Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Pollack, Blythe Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Pursell, Demita Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Ramsey, Ann Marie Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Read, Carolyn A. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Reidy, Jean Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Reigle, Jori Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Reske, Janella Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Rhizal, Debra Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Riley, Penny Clinical Assistant Professor
Riske, Jennifer Clinical Assistant Professor
Rittenhouse, Kathleen Clinical Assistant Professor
Roosevelt, Lee Clinical Associate Professor
Rossi, Andrea Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Saint Arnault, Denise M. Professor
Saslow, Laura R. Associate Professor
Schneider, Maria G Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Schwartz, Kayleigh Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Shakoor, Kelly Clinical Assistant Professor
Sharma, Akshay Associate Professor
Sharp, Jennifer M Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Simmons, Shelby Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Singha-Dong, Naruemol Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Sloan, Wm. Chas Clinical Assistant Professor
Smith, Sheree Adjunct Professor
Snow, Char’ly R. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Sokolowski, Renee Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Spiegelberg, Jodi Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Stewart, Diana Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Stolspart, Mark Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Strauch, Kimberly Assistant Professor
Strickland, Jeanne M Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Struble, Laura M. Clinical Professor Emerita
Tomlinson, Patrick Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Trautner, Keane LEO Intermittent Lecturer
Voepel-Lewis, Terri Professor
Vos, Carol M Adjunct Assistant Professor
Walsh, Alison Assistant Research Scientist
Webster-Dekker, Katelyn Assistant Professor
Wein, Mark B Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Williams, Julie V. LEO Lecturer I
Wintermeyer-Pingel, Sue Clinical Assistant Professor
Wood, Linda S Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Yackel, Edward E. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Zeng-Wang, Yiping Maggie Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Zielinski, Ruth E. Clinical Professor
Zitterman, Veronica Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Department of Systems, Populations and Leadership
Aebersold, Michelle L. Clinical Professor
Agapiou, Alexandra Clinical Assistant Professor
Allen, Amy Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Anderson, Christine Clinical Associate Professor Emerita
Anderson, Colby Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Antilla, Jeri Clinical Assistant Professor
Bathish, Melissa Clinical Associate Professor
Bell, Sue Anne Associate Professor
Blok, Amanda Adjunct Assistant Research Scientist
Bochinski, Michelle Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Briggs, Alec Clinical Assistant Professor
Brough, Elizabeth J. Clinical Assistant Professor Emerita
Buckenmeyer, Amy Clinical Assistant Professor
Butterworth, Susan W Research Assistant Professor
Calamos, Laura L. Clinical Assistant Professor
Calarco, Margaret M HealthyLifetime© Program Coordinator
Charania, Nadia A. Clinical Assistant Professor
Conley , Cherie Assistant Professor
Darwish, Hala Associate Professor
Davis, Matthew A. Associate Professor
DiClemente, Linda Clinical Assistant Professor
Difiore, Diane Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Dinov, Ivo D. Professor
Dove-Medows, Emily Assistant Professor
Dozier, Jessica L Research Fellow
Friese, Christopher R. Professor
Gonzalez, Laura Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Gosselin, Ann K. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Harden, Karen Clinical Assistant Professor
Harris, Marcelline Associate Professor Emerita
Hoffman, Geoffrey J. Associate Professor
Jiang, Yun Associate Professor
Kellogg, Sheila Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Knight, John Clinical Assistant Professor
Kusunoki, Yasamin Associate Professor
Lee, HaEun Assistant Professor
Manojlovich, Milisa Professor
Marcotte, John E. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Marriott, Deanna Research Assistant Professor
Marsh, Valerie Y. Clinical Assistant Professor Emerita
May, Nancy Adjunct Clinical Instructor
McCullagh, Marjorie C. Professor Emerita
McLeod, Anne Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Medvec, Barbara R. Clinical Associate Professor
Miller, David Adjunct Professor
Musalia, Rama Mwenes Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Parra, Luis Assistant Professor
Pence, Lynda Clinical Assistant Professor
Ploutz-Snyder, Robert J. Research Professor
Potempa, Kathleen Professor
Price, Deborah M. Clinical Associate Professor Emerita
Prochnow, Laura Clinical Assistant Professor
Robinson-Lane, Sheria G. Associate Professor
Rosemberg, Marie-Anne Sanon Associate Professor
Ross, Tammy Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Saran, Kelly A Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Schilt-Solberg, Marvin Assistant Professor
Schoville, Rhonda Clinical Associate Professor
Seng, Julia S. Professor
Shuman, Clayton J. Assistant Professor
Stacciarini, Jeanne-Marie R Professor
Stoddard, Sarah A. Associate Professor
Szczechowski, Kari Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Thibodeau, Ashley Clinical Assistant Professor
Tillman-Meakins, Patricia Clinical Assistant Professor
Titler, Marita G. Professor Emerita
Tschannen, Dana Clinical Professor
Veliz, Philip Research Associate Professor
Yakusheva, Olga Adjunct Professor
Zaire, Portia Research Fellow
Undergraduate Studies Program
Accurso, Diane LEO Lecturer I
Ackers, Kathryn Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Allen, Jenna Clinical Instructor
Anderson, Tina Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Anton, Paula M. LEO Lecturer I
Anyim, Doris LEO Adjunct Lecturer
Bailey, Katelyn Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Baird, Jessica LEO Lecturer I
Baird-Cox, Kelly Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Baker, Rory Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Barry, Monica Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Bartso, Catherine Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Beard, Angila LEO Lecturer I
Beatty, Stefanie Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Benloucif-Moore, Suzanne Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Bennet, Kathy Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Berry, Leyla Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Bertolis, Bess LEO Lecturer I
Binguit, Wendy LEO Lecturer II
Blakely, Teresa G Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Bobo, Maria Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Bowerbank, Stephanie LEO Adjunct Lecturer
Bowers, Rachel Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Boyce, Sara LEO Lecturer I
Brake, Carina Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Brant, Amy Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Bristley, Victoria Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Burgess, Susan G Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Buslawski, Patricia A LEO Lecturer II
Calkins, Amanda LEO Adjunct Lecturer
Chacko, Rachel LEO Lecturer I
Coleman-Burns, Patricia W. Assistant Professor Emerita
Common, Angela Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Compton, Amanda LEO Lecturer I
Conrad, Christina Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Crane, Susan Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Cwynar, Christina Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Dammeyer, Jennifer Clinical Adjunct Faculty
DeLaney, Michele LEO Lecturer II
Desbrough, Nicole Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Dickinson, Sharon LEO Lecturer I
DiMaria, Kimberly Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Dobkin, Loren Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Drews, Jessica Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Ducher, Michelle Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Eastman, Debra Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Edick, Paul LEO Adjunct Lecturer
Edwards, Tamiah Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Elenbaas, Jane Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Erber, Mark Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Ervin, Denise L LEO Lecturer I
Eschelbach, Ann Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Fasing, Kathleen Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Fearday, Shannon Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Fernamberg, Michelle Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Figueroa, Nicole Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Fischer, Jennifer Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Fischer, Shannon Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Flaherty Robb, Marna K Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Fore, Amanda Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Fromes, Gail Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Fuhrmann, Sarah Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Galunas, Laura Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Garner, Jill Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Gartke, Heather Adjunct Clinical Instructor
George, Carol Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Gramling, Amanda Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Halabicky, Kathy Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Hamet, Cindy LEO Lecturer I
Hamet, Cynthia Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Hamilton, Laura LEO Lecturer I
Haskett, Lindsay LEO Lecturer I
Hensley, Michelle Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Herriman, Emily Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Heys, Lisa M Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Hickey, Kimberly Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Holman, Karen E. T. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Holodnick, Cherie Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Honstain, Chelsea Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Houpt, Mindy LEO Lecturer I
Hunt, Robert LEO Lecturer I
Ilacqua, Jennifer Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Ilitch, Michelle Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Jacob, Serene LEO Lecturer I
Jenna Lang, Jenna Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Johnson, Caty Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Johnson, Megan Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Johnson-Richardson, Susan Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Jones, Heather Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Juno-LaPan, Julie Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Justice, Rachel Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Kelly, Sara LEO Lecturer I
Kendrick, Cathy Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Kendziora, Sandra Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Kline, Andrea Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Knotts, Sharon Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Knox, Kierra Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Koesler, Debra Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Konye, Judith Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Kristofik, Carol Adjunct Clinical Instructor
LaColla, Jennifer Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Lahr, Crystal Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Lane, Sarah Clinical Adjunct Instructor
Largent, Bethany Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Lee, Corinne Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
Leggett, Scherolyn Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Lewis, LaToya Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Liestenfeltz, Bradley LEO Lecturer I
Luciano, Ann Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Luke, Tiffany Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Manley, Melissa Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Marlow, Emily Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Martin, Catherine Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Mason, Laura LEO Adjunct Lecturer
Maynard, Joanna Adjunct Clinical Instructor
McDevitt, Susanne Adjunct Clinical Instructor
McFarlane , Christopher Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Mehta, Nimita Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Meldrum, Catherine Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Michael, Kristina Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Miller, Ann Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Miller, Kathy Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Mooney, Michael LEO Lecturer I
Mowry, Jole Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Murphy, Shawn Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Myres, Connie Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Neeb, Karen A. Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Nemshak, Michelle Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Newman, Samantha Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Norman, Carla Adjunct Clinical Instructor
O'Branovic, Hallie Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Pagac, Gretchen Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Paradise-Bumhoffer, Laurel Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Parker, Mary Lynn Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Pate, Mandy Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Pazur, Jessica Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Penoza, Carleen Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Persaud, Elissa Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Petrosyan, Susanna LEO Lecturer I
Phillips, Bradly Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Pizzo, Max Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Prince, Renee Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Prusakiewicz, Emily LEO Lecturer I
Purcell, Carol Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Ramey, Marinda Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Ramos, Aliza Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Reed, Mihaela Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Renke, Christine Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Reynolds, Jennifer Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Richards, Marie Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Roberts, Jessica Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Ronnisch, Kimberly Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Ross, Tammy LEO Lecturer I
Rossini, Donna Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Russell, Beth C. Clinical Instructor
Rye, Sandra Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Sanvordenker, Jill Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Sauro, Kirk LEO Lecturer I
Schacke, Kara LEO Lecturer I
Scheich, Rachel LEO Intermittent Lecturer
Shamany-Fakhoury, Vanessa Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Shever-Doletzky, Leah Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Shute, Jennifer Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Smith, Meredith Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Smith, Nicole Clinical Instructor
Sovitch, Patricia Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Speck, Nicole Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Spruit, Jessica Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Stacey, Andrew Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Stalhandske, Kira Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Steel, Monique Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Stephens, Julianna Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Stricker, Ramona LEO Lecturer I
Studley, Elizabeth Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Sullivan, Barbara-Jean Clinical Assistant Professor Emerita
Szczechowski, Kathryn LEO Lecturer I
Szpara, Toni Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Taylor, Nikki Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Totzkay, Deborah Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Tran, Charlene Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Tweedy, Karen LEO Lecturer I
Valley, Emory Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Vance, Kaitlin Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Wardak, Zohra LEO Lecturer I
Whitley, Michelle Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Williams, Deidra LEO Lecturer I
Wyse, Diane Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Yee, Angela Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Ziegman, Corrie Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Zitterman, Cara Adjunct Clinical Instructor