School of Nursing graduate scholarships

Scholarship funds administered by the School of Nursing are intended to supplement other University-level sources, and may be awarded based on a variety of factors, including donor-directed criteria, merit, or merit paired with demonstrated financial need. Scholarship funds do not require repayment, and may be awarded for one or more years.

To ensure that you are considered for all funding opportunities for which you qualify, we recommend annually completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and frequently visiting the My Scholarship Profile in Wolverine Access to complete or update your scholarship profile. 

MSN students

Tuition support may be awarded based on a variety of factors, including donor-directed criteria, merit and/or demonstrated financial need. All students are automatically included in the eligible pool of candidates. Recipients will be notified prior to the beginning of their first term, or for returning students, prior to start of the fall term. 

Ph.D. students

The UMSN is committed to assisting students with the financing of their nursing education and as such offers an attractive funding package (e.g., full tuition support, monthly stipend, and health insurance) that enables students to study full-time (available to students in the 3-year Accelerated or 4-year Traditional Programs) while providing the opportunity to gain valuable research experience learning from their faculty research mentor.

Ph.D. students should stay engaged with their faculty mentor, Rackham Graduate School and the Office of Financial Aid to learn about supplemental opportunities available to them.

Rackham one-term Dissertation Fellowship

For candidates who plan to defend in the fall or winter term, a Rackham Dissertation Fellowship may be awarded for one term. This fellowship is administered by the School of Nursing and consists of full candidacy tuition, registration fees, stipend and benefits. Applicants are selected by a faculty review committee based upon past student accomplishments and components of the dissertation. 

New Research Investigator awards

The School of Nursing offers funding to doctoral students or candidates to help support their research-related expenses as new nurse investigators.

Applicants must be enrolled School of Nursing Ph.D. students with an approved dissertation proposal. An appointed faculty committee reviews each applicant’s research plan and considers the following criteria: the scientific merit of the research topic, the quality of the application and whether other sources of funding are available. The student must adhere to specific application guidelines including an outline of the purpose and background of their study, their analysis plan, and the study’s budget/budget justification.

The number of awards and exact amount may vary each year depending upon available funding.  For more information regarding the New Research Investigator Award application process, application submission deadlines, and award information, please visit the following link: New Investigator Research Award Application.

DNP students

Tuition support may be awarded based on a variety of factors, including donor-directed criteria, merit, and/or demonstrated financial need. All students are automatically included in the eligible pool of candidates. Recipients will be notified prior to the beginning of their first term, or for returning students, prior to start of the fall term.