Sharing Your Ideas & Innovations

Nurses are in closest proximity to the problems patients face and are uniquely positioned to create, deliver, and implement solutions to healthcare challenges.

Nurses also always have been, and always will be, natural innovators. They are inquisitive problem-solvers with fine-tuned skills who think outside the box, often without realizing it. They know that to truly transform health care, it will require new and unique approaches, ideas and solutions. 

If you figure out a solution, a workaround or even just have a tip — be it in teaching, research, practice, leadership or service — and you want to get it out there, let us know and we will be happy to help you figure out what to do next.


  • Know that your ideas ARE innovations!  They’re often answers to problems or pain points, and thus, are innovative…and therefore, are innovations.
  • So, if you have a "big" idea but don't know where to go with it, reach out.  Take that first step. We can help you think through your idea and what to do with it, so it serves the most good.
  • As nearly every health system interaction begins or ends with a nurse, nurses NEED to be at the center of innovation in healthcare.  There is no one better.

Please reach out to us and we’ll help you start on your own innovation journey. We would love to talk with you.

Contact for a Consultation

Together we can work to innovate and transform the face of healthcare.

brains sharing information