Facilities of the Clinical Learning Center
Nursing Skills Lab
With bedside care areas populated with mid-fidelity mannequins, the Nursing Skills Lab allows students to practice and perfect their skills prior to patient interaction. Lab learning tools include:
Fully equipped and functional head wall units
Two patient lift systems for the demonstration and practice of safe patient handling
Equipment such as: infusion pumps, PCA pumps, feeding pumps, and syringe pumps
Bedside computers on which simulated patients' electronic health records can be accessed and documented
Physical Assessment Lab

Simulation rooms
Six simulation rooms emulate a variety of environments in which students are able to develop their assessment, critical thinking, and clinical reasoning skills while caring for patients in birthing, pediatric, medical/surgical, ICU, and geriatric suites. All are populated with high-fidelity mannequins such as Victoria, the latest high-end birthing simulator from Gaumard, and Laeradal’s Sim Man 3G. Additionally, students provide care for Laerdal’s SimMom and Gaumard’s Newborn Hal and Pediatric Hal. Our high-fidelity mannequins are complemented with Nursing Annie, Nursing Kelly, Nursing Kid, Nursing Baby, and various other simulators.
From the Control Room, instructors control the mannequins and observe via one-way glass as students participate in the simulation. Within a faculty-created scenario, students are able to practice skills, including tracheostomy care, wound care, urinary catheterization care, CPR, injections, chest tube insertion, and shocking of the heart to name a few. More importantly, they learn to assess, plan care, react to changes in their patients and the environment, problem solve, and think critically. Instructors can film and record students' simulations for later and more in-depth review.
Debriefing rooms
These three rooms provide space in which students come together to observe real-time video footage of their peers in simulation or to gather with their faculty instructor to dialogue and to give and receive constructive feedback regarding what was learned in the process of simulation.
Standardized patient rooms
Four standardized patient rooms are set up as primary care clinic rooms. Each includes a sink, exam table, diagnostic and physical examination equipment, an examination lamp, and a computer on which to document findings.
Skills Training Room
Our skills training room is primarily used by graduate-level students and houses our task trainers which allow students to practice skills such as lumbar puncture, central line placement, and intubation. This space can also be used to do casting and practice suturing.
Anatomy Lab
Our new lab, with its 3D Anatomage Table, offers students one of the most technologically advanced systems for visualizing the gross and regional anatomies of the human body.
Additional equipment
In an effort to provide the most realistic setting possible and enable students to practice most effectively, we have the following equipment on-site:
- Pyxis Medstation
- Birthing bed
- Infant warmer
- Defibrillator
- Crash carts