Bonnie M. Hagerty, PhD, RN

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Sense of belonging
- Mood disorders
- Self-management of mood disorders
- Stress and coping
- Military stress and coping
As one of the major accomplishments of her career, Dr. Hagerty developed a theory of Human Relatedness with a focus on Sense of Belonging and designed an instrument to measure this concept, the Sense of Belonging Instrument (SOBI). This instrument has been published and is currently translated into several languages and used world-wide for research relating to belonging, depression, suicide, identity, and other indicators of social and psychological functioning. Results of her research indicate that sense of belonging is more powerful than social support in relation to interpersonal functioning difficulties. In related work, Dr. Hagerty has also been conducting research on depression with a specific focus on depression in the military, adherence to antidepressant medications, self-management of recurrent depression, and the relationship between depression and sense of belonging.
Current Research Grants and Programs
- Group Intervention for Preventive Illness Management of Depression (PI, Karin Fund)
Dr. Hagerty has taught courses in the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral programs. These include undergraduate courses in psychiatric-mental health nursing and research as well as graduate courses on research measurement, advanced practice in psychiatric-mental health nursing. In addition, Dr. Hagerty has mentored students who are interested in research and want to become involved in projects for additional research experience and worked with doctoral and masters level students on their projects for various courses, doctoral preliminary examinations, dissertations, and masters projects. As an instructor, Dr. Hagerty believes that learning is a partnership between student and faculty and strives to fulfill her role by coaching students to facilitate their learning and assisting them in the pursuit of excellence.
Affiliations / Service
- Member, Midwest Nursing Research Society, 1993-present (Research Section Chair 1998-2000; 2008-present; abstract reviewer; 2008-present )
- Member, American Nurses’ Association, 1980-present
- Member, Michigan Nurses Association (Board of Directors 1994-1997; Chair of Psychiatric Nursing Advanced Practice Task Force 1994-1996; Strategic Planning Committee, Chair, 1997 )
- Member, American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 1990-present
- Sigma Theta Tau national Nursing Honor Society, 1979-present (Rho Chapter President 1993-1995; Nominating Committee 1996-1997)
- Depression Center Steering Committee, University of Michigan Depression Center, 2001-present
Notable Awards / Honors
- Excellence in Research Award - clinical research, Blue Cross Blue Shied of Michigan Foundation McDevitt
- Fellow, CIC Academic Leadership Program
- Psychiatric-Mental health Nursing Research Section Award, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
- PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1989
- MS in Nursing, University of Maryland, Baltimore, IN, 1979
- BS in Nursing, Russell Sage College, Troy New York, IN, 1974
Publication Highlights
Arslanian-Engoren, C., Hagerty, B.M., Antonakos, C.L., & Eagle, K.A. (2010). The feasibility and utility of the aid to cardiac triage intervention to improve nurses' cardiac triage decisions. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care (39), 201-207.
Arslanian-Engoren, C., Hagerty, B.M., Eagle, K. (in press). Evaluation of the ACT intervention to improve nurses’ cardiac triage decisions. Western Journal of Nursing Research, in press.
Williams, R.A., Hagerty, B.M., Brasington, S., Clem, J., & Williams, D.A. (in press). Stress Gym: Feasibility of deploying a Web-enhanced behavioral self-management program for stress in military setting. Military Medicine.
Hagerty, B.M., Williams, R.A., Bingham, M., & Richard, M. (in press). Military nurses and combat casualty patients: A qualitative analysis of psychosocial care. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care.
Hagerty, B.M., Williams, R.A., Aikens, J., West, B., Fuller, D.S., Kazemi, J., & Murphy, M. Development of a clinical tool to measure cognitive representations of antidepressants. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. (Under review).
Shin, N.M., Hagerty, B.M., & Williams, R.A. (2010). Gender comparison in depressive symptoms and use of antidepressant medications following acute coronary syndrome. Applied Nursing Research, 23, 73-79.
Williams, R.A., Hagerty, B.M., Andrei, A.C., Yousha, S.M., Hirth, R.A., Hoyle, K.S. (2007). STARS: Strategies to assist Navy recruits’ success. Military Medicine, 172, 942-949.
Hagerty, B.M. & Patusky, K. (2009). Mood disorders: Depression and mania. In K. Fortinrash & P. Holoday-Worrett (Eds). Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, Ed. 4. St. Louis: Elsevier
Bay, E., Hagerty, B.K., Williams, R.A., Kirsch, N., & Gillespie, B. (2005). Chronic stress, salivary cortisol response, interpersonal relatedness, and depression among community dwelling survivors of traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 37, 4-14.
Bay, E., Hagerty, B.K., Williams, R.A., Kirsch, N., & Gillespie, B. (2005). Chronic stress, sense of belonging, and depression among survivors of traumatic brain injury. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 34, 221-226.
Choenarom, C., Williams, R.A., & Hagerty, B.M. (2005). The role of sense of belonging on stress and depression in individuals with depression. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 19(1), 18-29.
Williams, R.A., & Hagerty, B. (Volumn Guest Eds.). (2005). Depression Research in Nursing: Global Perspectives, Ketefian, S. (Executive Ed). New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Williams, R. A., & Hagerty, B. (Guest Eds). (2004). Depression research: Nursing’s. contributions. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice. 18(2/3), 117-122.
Williams, R. A., Hagerty, B. K., Yousha, S.M., Horrocks, J., Hoyle, K.S., & Liu, D. (2004). Psychosocial effects of the BOOT STRAP intervention with Navy recruits. Military Medicine, 169(10), 814-820.
Sargent, J., Williams, R.A., Hagerty, B.K., & Lynch-Sauer, J. (2002). Sense of belonging as a buffer against depression. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 8(4), 120-129.