Jennifer Dammeyer, RN, MSN, CNS-C, CCRN-K

Clinical Nurse Specialist
Critical Care Medicine Unit
6417 6D
University Hospital
1500 E Medical Center Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
- Intensive care
- Delirium
- Early mobility
- CLABSI prevention
Jennifer has worked in intensive care for over 20 years in both surgical and medical areas. Her specialty is translating evidence into practice around ICU care. The ABCDEF’s of the ICU has been a passion, integrating individual clinical innovations into one. Helping nurses own their practice and to see the big picture is always on her mind with this integration of clinical interventions.
Non-traditional teaching of the bedside nurse to inspire them to become involved in quality improvement is Jennifer’s goal as a Clinical Nurse Specialist. Nurses get assigned business time to learn how to become a Leadership Team Support member. This person learns about the unit’s quality indicator data, goals, & plans, Keystone ICU, APACHE data and audit work. They are assigned an area to focus and given more time to work on projects as needed. This is how most staff have changed to early adopters for most innovations. Understanding of the process and big picture is the key.
Affiliations / Service
- Association of Critical Care Nurses
- Michigan Nurses Association
- Society of Critical Care Medicine
- National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist
- National Nursing Staff Development Organization
- Sigma Theta Tau, Lambda Chapter
- Sigma Theta Tau, Rho Chapter
- MSN, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 2000
- BSN, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, 1992
Publication Highlights
Costa, D., Dammeyer, J., White, M., Galinato, J., Hyzy, B., Manojlovich, M., Sales. Interprofessional ICU team interactions about ABCDE: development of an observational rating tool. (2016) BMC Research Note 9(1). December
Merbitz NH, Westie K, Dammeyer J, Butt L & Hinshaw J. After critical care: Challenges in the transition to inpatient rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Psychology 61(2): 186-200, 2016.
Dammeyer, J., Rukstele, C., Palleschi, M., Park, L., Clark, P., Ballard, C., Miller, M. (2014) Sedation & Delirium Toolkit Update. February 2014
Dammeyer, J., Dickinson, S., Packard, D., Baldwin, N., Ricklemann, C., (2013) Building a Protocol to Guide Mobility in the ICU. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 36 (1) 37-49.
Dammeyer, J.A., Baldwin, N., Packard, D., Harrington, S., Christofferson, B., Christopher, J., Strachan, C.L., Iwashyna, J., (2013) Mobilizing Outcomes: Implementation of a Nurse-Led Multidisciplinary Mobility Program. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 36 (1) 109-119.