Marcelline Harris, Ph.D., RN, FACMI

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Clinical research informatics and infrastructure
- Biomedical terminologies
- Clinical informatics
- Nursing health services research
The central focus of Dr. Harris’ research is informatics methodologies including the terminology systems and standards that facilitate data integration and interoperability. In addition, she has deep practical experience related to clinical systems, and the integration, modeling and reuse of data in clinical information systems, and for research ‘at scale’. Her research has been funded by NIH, AHRQ, CDC, RWJF, PCORI, and both Mayo Clinic and the University of Michigan.
Current Research Grants and Programs
- NIH/NHGRI: U01 HG009454-01 Metadata applications on Informed Consent to Facilitate Biorepository Data Regulation and Sharing (Co-I/Site PI)
- University of Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS), Michigan Center for Health Analytics and Medical Prediction (M-CHAMP) (Co-PI)
Dr. Harris teaches across informatics, research and leadership courses at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. Broadly, the nursing courses address the theoretical, empirical, and practice foundations of the discipline. The informatics courses address both clinical and clinical research informatics, evaluation and sociotechnical components of systems. While in academia, she has mentored and chaired committees for multiple postdoc, Ph.D., DNP, Master's students and international scholars; she is extremely proud of all these students have accomplished and contributed!
Affiliations / Service
- Clinical LOINC Nursing Subcommittee, 2018-current
- University of Michigan School of Nursing. Executive Committee, 2017-2020
- University of Michigan School of Medicine. Learning Health System Collaboratory Steering Committee, 2019-current
- University of Michigan Institute for Health Policy and Innovation, 2012-present
- American Medical Informatics Association, 1997-current
- Midwest Nursing Research Society, 1986-current
- Sigma Theta Tau International, 1986
- American Nurses Association, 1975
Notable Awards / Honors
- Fellow, American Medical Informatics Association, 2019
- Nurse Researcher of the Year Award, Minnesota Nurses Association, 2006
- Ruth Lilly Informatics Scholar, Sigma Theta Tau International, 2001-2004
- National Institutes of Health/National Library of Medicine Fellow, 1998-2001
- Research Award, American Organization of Nurse Executives, 1994
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 1985
- Postdoctoral, NIH/NLM fellowship at University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic, 1998-2001
- Ph.D., University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha NE, 1997
- MS, South Dakota State University, Brookings SD, 1986
- BS, College of St. Catherine, St Paul MN, 1972
Publication Highlights
*Amith, M., *Manion, F.J., *Harris, M.R., Zhang, Y., Xu, H., Tao, C. (2017). Expressing biomedical ontologies in natural language for expert evaluation. Stud Health Technol Inform. 245:838-842. PMID: 29295217 *3 first authors
Jiang, Y., West, B.T., Barton, D.L., Harris, M.R. (2017). Acceptance and use of eHealth/mHealth applications for self-management among cancer survivors. Stud Health Technol Inform. 245:131-135. PMID: 29295067
Mirel, B., Luo, A., Harris, M. (2015). Research infrastructure for collaborative team science: Challenges in technology-supported workflows in and across laboratories. Seminars in Nephrology, 35(3), 291-300.
Harris, M. R., Heermann, L. L., Dykes, P., Hook, M., & Matney, S. A. (2015). Harmonizing and extending standards from a domain-specific and bottom-up approach: An example from development through use in clinical applications. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
Fenton, S.H., Manion, F., Hsieh, K.L., & Harris, M. (2015). Informed Consent: Does Anyone Really Understand What is Contained in the Medical Record? Applied Clinical Informatics, 6(3), 466-477. PMID:26448792. PMCID: PMC4586336. doi: 10.4338/ACI-2014-09-SOA-0081
Manion, F. J., Harris, M. R., Buyuktur, A. G., Clark, P. M., An, L. C., & Hanauer, D. A (2012). Leveraging EHR data for outcomes and comparative effectiveness research in oncology. Current Oncology Reports. PMCID: PMC3490017
Harris MR, Graves JR. (2006). The role of terminology in integrating the content of the discipline. In C. Roy & D. Jones (Eds.), Nursing Knowledge Development and Clinical Practice, New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Harris MR., Graves JR, Solbrig HR, Chute CG. (2000). Embedded structures and representations of nursing knowledge. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 7 (6), 539-549. PMID:11062227. PMCID:PMC129662.
Needleman J, Buerhaus PI, Pankratz VS, Leibson CL, Stevens SR, Harris MR. (2011) Nurse Staffing and Inpatient Hospital Mortality. New England Journal of Medicine.: 364:1037-1045.
Annis, A.M., Harris, M., Kim, H., Rosland, A., Krein,S.L. (2018). Trends in patient encounters across primary care professional roles during patient centered medical home implementation in the Veterans Health Administration.Journal of Managed Care.
Harris MR, Vanderboom CE, Hughes R. (2009). Nursing-sensitive safety and quality outcomes: the taming of a wicked problem? Advances in Nursing Research 2009 May; 22(2):146-151. PMID:19427579.
Leibson C, Needleman J, Buerhaus P, Heit JA, Melton LJ, Naessens JM, Bailey KR, Petterson TM, Ransom JE, Harris MR (2008). Identifying in-hospital venous thromboembolism (VTE): A comparison of claims-based approaches with the Rochester Epidemiology Project VTE cohort. Medical Care 46(2):127-132. PMID:18219240.
Harris MR, Chute CG, Ruggier AP. (2003). From clinical records to regulatory reporting: Formal concept representation, aggregation, and reuse of comparable data. Health Care Financing Review. 24(3):103-20. PMID:12894638.