Laura M. Struble, PhD, GNP-BC

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Neurology
- Geriatric psychiatry
- Defining how disruptive behavior in dementia is conceptualized and non-pharmacological interventions for disruptive behaviors
- Delirium, cognitive changes in healthy older adults
- Family dementia caregiving
Dr. Laura Struble is a Clinical Professor and a Gerontological Nurse Practitioner with specific expertise in the areas of neurology, dementia, and the care of older adults. Assisting with the nation-wide concern for health professionals to provide competent care for older adults, she serves as the gerontology curriculum expert for the advanced practice nursing programs at the school. She is an experienced nurse practitioner and is on the Geriatric Psychiatry team at the University of Michigan. She has a unique perspective and helps students, clinicians and caregivers understand why difficult behaviors occur in older adults with neurodegenerative conditions based on the patient’s brain disease, psycho/social issues and physical conditions. Her practice research emphasizes non-pharmacological interventions and Dr. Struble translates clinical research into real world practice settings. She has made geriatrics and dementia care her life’s work through clinical practice, education, and research.
Current Research Grants and Programs
- The Effect of Low Level Laser Acupuncture Treatments on Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms in Assisted Living Residents with Dementia. Fisk Foundation Award. (PI). $28,000. (December, 2016-Present)
- Enhancing Michigan Workforce Capacity for Behavioral Dementia Care Using the DICE Approach (MiDICE). Board of Directors of the Michigan Health Endowment Fund approved The Regents of the University of Michigan 2016 Special Projects, ID number R-1605-139821. (Co-I). $405,850.00.
- Conversations as a means to delay Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) onset: PHASE II study. (National Institute of Nursing Research R56 with R01 pending). Co Site PIs Laura Struble and Kathleen Potempa.
Dr. Struble is part of the team in the Department of Psychiatry in the Geriatric Psychiatry division at the University of Michigan. She maintains a clinical practice at the Turner Geriatric Clinic and at an assisted living facility where she treats older adults with mental illness and dementia and provides support and education to both professional and family caregivers. Dr. Struble provides interdisciplinary clinical experiences to nurse practitioner students, medical students and psychiatry fellows in innovative dementia care. In the classroom, she developed didactic education at the advanced level on acute and chronic care, health education, and health promotion for older adults in using innovative, interactive and experiential strategies. Dr. Struble is currently conducting research on the use of acupuncture as a possible treatment for agitation behaviors in people with middle/late stage dementia.
Affiliations / Service
- Member, Midwest Nursing Research Society, 2017
- Member, Gerontology Society of America, 2010
- Member, National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty, 2008
- Member, National Conference of Gerontological Nurse Practitioners, 2008
Notable Awards / Honors
- Geriatric Nursing Research Summer Scholars Program, Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, New York University, College of Nursing, 2009
- GNP, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1996
- PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1995
- MS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1983
- Certificate - Specialist in Aging, Institute of Gerontology, University of Michigan, 1983
- BSN, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI 1979
Publication Highlights
Jusela, C, Struble, LM, Gallagher, A, Redman, R, Ziemba, R. Improving care transitions and communication between acute care and skilled nursing facilities: a retrospective chart review. Journal of Gerontological Nursing (Under Review).
Desai, A, Wharton, T, Struble, L, Blazek, M. (In Press). Patient-centered primary care strategies for assessment and intervention for aggressive behaviors in dementia. Journal of Gerontological Nursing.
Li, L, Harris, H, Murphy, S, Tsodikov, A, Struble, L. Feasibility of a randomized controlled trial of self-administered acupressure for symptom management in older adults with knee osteoarthritis. (In Press). Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
Struble, L. (2016). The challenges of hospitalized older adults with psychiatric disorders. Journal of Intensive and Critical Care. 2(1:15).
Struble, L, Blazek, M, Kale, H. (2016). Managing behavioral disturbances in a patient with dementia. The Nurse Practitioners. 41(11): 50-54.
Struble, L (2016). Wandering, In BJ Ackley & GB Ladwig (Eds). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: an evidence-based guide to planning care,11th Edition. Mosby/Elsevier, Missouri (pp. 943-948).
Blazek MC, Struble LM, Cavalcante, A, Masse, J. Medical Students in a Dementia Care Facility: an Enhanced Geriatric Psychiatry Experience. Acad Psychiatry. Online May 2015
Agingcare blogpost: Helping a senior who wanders by Laura Struble (2015)
Stevens, M, Struble, L, Larson, J. (2015). Recognizing pressure injury in the darkly pigmented skin type: A case study. MEDSUG Nursing. 24(5): 342-349.
Cothran, FA, Farran, CJ, Barnes, LL, Whall, AL, Redman, RW, Struble, LM, Fogg, L. (2015). Demographic and Socioenvironmental Characteristics of Black and White Community-Dwelling Caregivers and Care Recipients' Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia. Research in Gerontological Nursing. 1-9.
Struble, L., Kavanagh, J., & Blazek, M. (2013). Chapter 6: Services for people with moderate dementia. In H. de Waal, C. Lyketsos, D. Ames, & J O’Brien (Eds.) Designing and Delivering Dementia Services (pp. 73-89). Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Gillis, N, Arslanian-Engoren, C, Struble, L. (2014). Coronary syndromes in older adults: A review of literature. Journal of Emergency Nursing. 40(1): 270-275.
Arslanian-Engoren, C, Sullivan, BJ, Struble, L. (2011). Revisioning a CNS curriculum in three specialty tracks. Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice. 25(5): 253-9.
Struble, L. (2010). Understanding tremor- The keys to success. The Nurse Practitioner. 35(6):18-25.
Kales, H.C., Blazek, M., Maixner, S, & Struble, L.M., Antipsychotic use in the elderly: overview and evidence-based management. Journal of Clinical Outcome Management. 2010, 17(1): 37-46.