Erin M. Kahle, PhD, MPH

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Infectious disease epidemiology
- Public health
- Health disparities
- Global health
Dr. Kahle is an infectious disease epidemiologist with a program of research focusing on biological, interpersonal and structural factors associated with sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in vulnerable and marginalized populations, both domestically and globally. Her research efforts include identifying factors that influence SRH, barriers to accessing prevention and healthcare, and developing effective strategies to reduce adverse SRH outcomes. Her prior work includes extensive experience in public health and clinical research settings that informs her interest in how the intersection between behavior and biology affects health. Dr. Kahle has a specific research concentration in HIV prevention, including the design of effective, integrated behavioral and biomedical HIV prevention programs aimed at reducing HIV transmissions among sexual minorities and in resource-limited settings.
Dr. Kahle’s teaching primarily focuses on research methdods for health sciences. Her approach involves engaging students in understanding fundamentals of research, providing opportunities to develop and practice research skills, and promoting the application of research to solve real-world challenges. Dr. Kahle is the Lead Faculty of the U-M School of Nursing Undergraduate Honors Program. She is a strong advocate for mentorship and has experiences mentoring students at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Affiliations / Service
- Affiliate Faculty, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan
- Core Faculty, Center for Sexuality and Health Disparities, University of Michigan
- Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle, WA
- MPH, University of Kansas Medical School, Kansas City, KS
- BS, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Publication Highlights
Kahle, Erin M., Sharma, Akshay, Sullivan, Stephen, & Stephenson, Rob. (2020). The Influence of Relationship Dynamics and Sexual Agreements on Perceived Partner Support and Benefit of PrEP Use Among Same-Sex Male Couples in the U.S. AIDS Behav. doi:10.1007/s10461-020-02782-9
Kahle, E. M., Veliz, P., McCabe, S. E., & Boyd, C. J. (2019). Functional and structural social support, substance use and sexual orientation from a nationally representative sample of US adults. Addiction. doi:10.1111/add.14819
Stephenson, R., Todd, K., Kahle, E., Sullivan, S. P., Miller-Perusse, M., Sharma, A., & Horvath, K. J. (2019). Project Moxie: Results of a Feasibility Study of a Telehealth Intervention to Increase HIV Testing Among Binary and Nonbinary Transgender Youth. AIDS Behav. doi:10.1007/s10461-019-02741-z
Kahle, E. M., Suarez, N., Sharma, A., Sullivan, S., & Stephenson, R. (2019). Threat and impact of HIV compared to other health conditions among an online sample of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in the U.S. AIDS Care, 1-8. doi:10.1080/09540121.2019.1626341
Kahle, E. M., Sullivan, S., & Stephenson, R. (2018). Functional Knowledge of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention Among Participants in a Web-Based Survey of Sexually Active Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill, 4(1), e13. doi:10.2196/publichealth.8089
Kahle, E. M., Sharma, A., Sullivan, S. P., & Stephenson, R. (2018). HIV Prioritization and Risk Perception Among an Online Sample of Men Who Have Sex With Men in the United States. Am J Mens Health, 12(4), 676-687. doi:10.1177/1557988318776581
Kahle, E. M., Meites, E., Sineath, R. C., Nasrullah, M., Bowles, K. E., DiNenno, E., . . . Sanchez, T. (2017). Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing and Uptake of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in a Large Online Survey of US Men Who Have Sex With Men at Risk for HIV Infection, 2012. Sex Transm Dis, 44(1), 62-66. doi:10.1097/OLQ.0000000000000545
Patel EU, Manucci J, Kahle EM, Lingappa JR, Morrow RA, Piwowar-Manning E, James A, Maluzi KF, Cheeba MM, Gray G, Delany-Moretlwe S, Inambao M, Vwalika B, Quinn TC, Laeyendeck O (in press). Precision of the Kalon Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 IgG ELISA: an international inter-laboratory assessment. BMC Infectious Diseases.
Kelley CF, Kahle E, Siegler A, Sanchez T, Del Rio C, Sullivan P, Rosenberg ES (2015). Applying a PrEP continuum of care for men who have sex with men in Atlanta, GA. Clinical Infectious Diseases, epub abead of print.
Kahle EM, Bolton M, Hughes JP, Donnell D, Celum C, Lingappa JR, Ronal A, Cohen CR, de Bruyn G, Fong Y, Katabira E, McElrath MJ, Baetn JM (2015). Plasma cytokine levels and risk of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) transmission and acquisition: a nested case-control study among HIV-1-serodiscordant couples. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 211 (9):1451-1460.
Kahle EM, Kashuba A, Baeten JM, Fife K, Celum C, Mujugira A, Essex M, de Bruyn G, Wald A, Donnell D, John-Stewart G, Deleany-Moretlwe S, Mugo NR, Farquhar C, Lingappa JR. (2014). Unreported antiretroviral use by HIV-1 infected participants enrolling in a clinical trial of serodiscordant couples in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 65(2):e90-e94.
Kahle EM, Campbell M, Lingappa J, Donnell D, Celum C, Ondondo R, Mujugira A, Fife K, Mugo N, Kapiga S, Mullins J, Baeten JM (2014). HIV-1 subtype C is not associated with higher risk of heterosexual HIV-1 transmission; a multinational study among African HIV-1 serodiscordant couples. AIDS, 28(2):235-243.
Pattacini L, Murnane PM, Kahle EM, Bolton MJ Delrow JJ, Lingappa JR, Katabira E, Donnell D, McElrath MJ, Baeten JM, Lund JM (2013). Differential regulatory T cell activity in HIV-1-exposed seronegative individuals. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 29(10): 1321-1329.
Kahle EM, Hughes JP, Lingappa JR, John-Steward G, Nakku-Joloba E, Njuguna S, Bukusi E, Manongi E, Celum C, Baetn JM (2013). An empiric risk scoring tool for identifying high-risk heterosexual HIV-1 serodiscordant couples for targeted HIV-1 prevention. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 62(3): 339-347.
Baeten J, Kahle E, Lingappa J, Coombs R, Delany-Moretlwe S, Nakku-Joloba E, Mugo N, Wald A, Corey L, Celum C (2011). Genital HIV-1 RNA levels predict risk of heterosexual HIV-1 transmission. Science Translational Medicine, 3(77):77ra29.