Marna K. Flaherty Robb, MNS, RN, CNS

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Family caregiver science, nursing
- Interprofessional team work and competencies
- Systems level analyses
- Nursing practice and scope
- Advanced practice
Marna has been in nursing practice for over fifty years, as staff RN, CNS, NP, and Organizational effectiveness and capacity builder. She has conducted research in Medicare and Medicaid Policy, SHMO, Selff efficacy, Motivational interviewing, healthy aging, care planning process, taking care plans through time, family caregiving assessment and capacity building, curriculum renewal and health economics.
Current Research Grants and Programs
- Formulating grant and business plan on HOME STAYING with Dean Potempa et al
Marna has designed curriculum content for UG and graduate medical and nursing curriculums, interprofessional education, white papers on educational design and methods, design of electronic health record design, build and education, team capacity building case studies for various concepts in clinical care, Risk management, therapeutic relationships and boundaries, HIPPA, integrated service delivery planning, outcomes reporting, role development, job class analyses, large scale change and cultural capacity work.
Affiliations / Service
- Past roles in AACN
- Consultant to Boards of Nursing
- Ambulatory care organizations
- Stanford Executive Program with Kaiser Permanente
- MCIRCC and LHS at MM
Notable Awards / Honors
- VOHS aware Kaiser Permanente 1986
- Research award for telehealth skin care award 2001 OHSU
- Niagara University nursing life time achievement, 2018