Jessica Mongilio, PhD

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Adolescent delinquency
- Substance use
- Decision-making
- Head injury
Dr. Mongilio is a criminologist, with training in developmental psychology and neuroscience, whose primary interests are centered on the emergence, persistence, and desistence of substance use and delinquency in adolescence and young adulthood. Her research explores the intersection of biological, psychological, sociological, and ecological risk and protective factors for these phenomena.
Notable Awards / Honors
- Rolf Loeber Student Innovation Award, American Society of Criminology Division of Biopsychococial Criminology, 2024
- PhD, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 2024 (Criminology)
- MA, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 2020 (Criminology)
- BS, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 2018
Publication Highlights
Maggs, J. L., Staff, J., Mongilio, J. M., Miller, S. E., Vuolo, M., & Kelly, B. C. (in press). Household vaping bans and youth e-cigarette use. Journal of Adolescent Health.
Staff., J., Mongilio, J. M., Maggs, J. L., Vuolo, M., & Kelly, B. C. (2024). Household vaping bans and youth e-cigarette use. Addiction, 119(1), 74-83.
Mongilio, J. (2022). Childhood head injury as an acquired neuropsychological risk factor for adolescent delinquency. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 59(6), 756-790.
Staff, J., Maggs, J. L., Bucci, R., & Mongilio, J. (2019). Changes in externalizing behaviors after children first have an alcoholic drink and first drink heavily. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 80(4), 472-479.