Deborah L. Totzkay, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, CNOR

Educational Nurse Coordinator-Mastery Level
Room 4557, Frankel Cardiovascular Center Operating Room
1500 E. Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109
- Resiliency development for healthcare employees and students
- Nursing leadership development
- Perioperative risk mitigation
Inquisitive by nature, Deborah Totzkay is committed to life-long learning and the application of that knowledge in the service of others. She has extensive expertise in developing institutional policies and evidence-based standard work processes in the perioperative realm. A former Department of Defense trained Inspector General, Deborah also has expertise in risk mitigation. She is skilled in the use of implementation science to create evidence-based, nursing practices that support patient safety. Deborah is also well-versed in multifactorial strategies that sustain safe patient handling and mobility behaviors and has contributed to the American Nurses Association’s position statement on incivility, bullying, and workplace violence.
Deborah is dedicated to implementing pedagogical methods that remain responsive to the conceptual state of the student, while also supporting the development of critical thinking, empathy, and the autonomy of that student.
Affiliations / Service
- American Nurses Association, 2012- present
- Association of perioperative Registered Nurses, 2003- present
- Midwest Nursing Research Society, 2017
- Sigma Theta Tau International Lambda Chapter, 2010- present
Notable Awards / Honors
- Doctoral of Nursing Practice: Jonas Veterans Healthcare Scholar Award, 2014
- Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses Elsevier Scholarship, 2014
- DNP, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2017
- MSN, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 2010
- BSN, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 2005
- BS, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 1996
Publication Highlights
Mowry, J., McKenney, K., Czernik, Silveus, L., Stieve-Swarup, J., Totzkay, D…Nault, C., (2012). Pressure ulcer prevention in high-risk cardiovascular surgery patients. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 27(3), e 74-88. doi: 10.1016/j.jopan.2012.04.050