Christine Anderson, Ph.D., RN

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Implementation science
- Agent based modeling
- Social network analysis
- Informatics
- Politics and health policy
Dr. Anderson is interested in theory and methods related to complex systems, particularly as they relate to the science of implementation. Of particular interest is the analysis of social networks and the application of network theory to enhance communication and speed implementation. Dr. Anderson has extensive clinical background in the operating room environment and the focus of her current work is on perioperative processes of care, patient safety and quality improvement in the perioperative setting.
Dr. Anderson is passionate about excellence in nursing education, and - in pursing this passion - obtained a Certificate in Nursing Education from the University of Michigan in 2008. She is particularly interested in the history, politics, and policy related to nursing education, topics that comprised the focus of her graduate degree in history. Since joining the faculty at the U-M School of Nursing, Dr. Anderson’s teaching focus has reflected her own interests as she has taught primarily courses on policy and politics and implementation science. Recently Dr. Anderson served as a member of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Think Tank on Policy Education for Nurses and is committed to encouraging students to engage with policymakers and to develop strategies for influence.
Affiliations / Service
- Member, American Political Science Association, Health Policy Section, Social Network Section
- Member, Association of PeriOperative Registered Nurses
- Member, Computational Social Scientists Society of the Americas
- Board of Directors, IPN Institute for Professional Nursing
- Member, Nursing History Society of the University of Michigan (Past President)
- Member, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nurses
- Member, International Network for Social Network Analysis
Notable Awards / Honors
- AORN Writer’s Award for Journal Article: Talsma, A., Anderson, C., Geun, H., Guo, Y., & Campbell, D. A. (2013). Evaluation of OR Staffing and Postoperative Patient Outcomes. Association of Operating Room Nurses. AORN Journal, 97(2), 230-242.
- Poster Presentation, First Place (peer reviewed contest). Talsma, AN, Anderson, CA, Geun, HG, Guo,Y, Chard, R, Kleiner, C, Murphy, S. (2010). Evaluation of Patient Risk Factors and Intra-operative Processes on Patient Outcomes. University of Michigan School of Nursing Dean’s Research Day. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Poster Presentation, Honorable Mention (peer reviewed contest). Guen, HG, Talsma, AN, Anderson, CA, Chard, R, Kleiner, Murphy, S. (2010). Contributing Factors of Count Discrepancy with respect to Operation Room (OR) Processes. University of Michigan School of Nursing Dean’s Research Day. April 6, 2010, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2008
- Certificate in Nursing Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2008
- MA - History, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI, 1990
- BSN, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1981
Publication Highlights
Anderson, CA and Titler, MG. (2014) Development and verification of an agent-based model of opinion leadership. Implementation Science, 9(136) doi:10.1186/s13012-014-0136-6
Tschannen, D., Anderson, C., Strobbe, S., Bay, E., Bigelow, A., Dahlem, C. H., Seng, J. S. (2014). Scholarly productivity for nursing clinical track faculty. Nursing Outlook. doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2014.05.006.
Anderson, CA., & Whall, A. L. (2013). Nursing opinion leadership: A preliminary model derived from philosophic theories of rational belief. Nursing Philosophy, 14(4), 271-283.
Talsma, A., Anderson, C., Geun, H., Guo, Y., & Campbell, D. A. (2013). Evaluation of OR Staffing and Postoperative Patient Outcomes. Association of Operating Room Nurses. AORN Journal, 97(2), 230-242.
Talsma, AN, Chard, R, Kleiner, C, Anderson, CA, Geun, HG. (2011). AORN and University of Michigan School of Nursing Research Alliance. AORN Journal, 93 (6) 761-6.
Anderson, CA Whall AL, (2011) A Philosophical Analysis of Agent-Based Modelling: A New Tool for Theory Development in Nursing. JAN: Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(4) 904-14.
Anderson, CA, Talsma, AN (2011) Characterizing Operating Room Staffing Using Social Network Analysis. Nursing Research, 60(6) 378-85.
Anderson, CA, Keenan, GM & Jones, J. (2009) Using bibliometrics to support your selection of a nursing terminology set. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 27(2) 82-90. (CEU offering)
Potempa, KM, Redman, RW & Anderson, CA (2008). Capacity for the advancement of nursing science: Issues and challenges. Journal of Professional Nursing, 24(6) 329-36.
Kalisch, BJ, Begeny, S & Anderson, CA. (2008). The effect of consistent nursing shifts on teamwork and continuity of care. JONA, 38(3) 132-7.