Barbara Medvec, DNP, RN, NEA-BC

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Leadership
- Practice environment and implementation
- Quality and safety
- Digital (online) education
- Evidence-based practice
Dr. Medvec’s scholarship explores the relationship of nurse manager practice environment and the implementation leadership behaviors of nurse managers in supporting nursing staff use of evidence-based practice. Her experiences include healthcare and system executive and nursing leadership. Dr. Medvec’s interests include leadership, practice innovation, workforce vitality, burnout, value-based care, ambulatory/continuum of care, strategic, digital learning and transformation to practice. She provides support for chief nursing officers in organizational design, transformational leadership and nursing excellence. She values, as a nursing leader and faculty member, the importance of facilitating the transformational changes that should occur with graduate and doctoral level learning. Dr. Medvec believes that it is her role to assist students and colleagues in continuous improvement and ongoing learning.
Current Research Grants and Programs
- Cultivating Leadership Competency through XR, UM Academic Innovation XR Innovation Fund 2021 with Dr. Suzanne Knight, Michigan Medicine.
- The Importance of the Areas of Worklife in Burnout Intervention Development with Dr. John Knight, University of Michigan School of Nursing.
Dr. Medvec’s teaching philosophy is grounded in her experiences as a healthcare and nursing executive, a student, mentor and teacher. She has provided education and developmental opportunities for nurses throughout their professional practices. Dr. Medvec enjoys using new technology, simulation and group learning throughout her courses. She provides leadership for the Leadership, Analytics and Innovation Master’s program, newly launched in 2020. Dr. Medvec uses extended/virtual reality development and simulation for leader learning. Dr. Medvec teaches in the graduate and undergraduate programs with a focus on leadership, operations, quality and safety.
Affiliations / Service
- Member, ANA-Michigan Nursing and Health Policy Committee, 2019-2022
- Member, Coalition of Michigan Organizations of Nursing, 2016-present
- Member, Michigan Organization of Nursing Executives, 2001-present
- Member, American College of Health Care Executives, 1992-present
- Member, ANA-MI, American Nurses Association, 1977-present
Notable Awards / Honors
- Online Education Certification, Online Learning Consortium, 2020
- ANA- Advocacy Institute Fellow, 2020
- Women of Merit, In Scouting, 2020 Awardee
- Governor's Fitness Award – Oakwood Team Trina-Extreme Makeover, 2014
- Nightingale Awardee, Administration, Oakland University, 2012
- Nursing Executive Advanced Certification, American Nurses Credentialing Center 2011-Present
- DNP, Madonna University, Livonia, MI, 2017
- MSN, Madonna University, Livonia, MI, 1996
- MSA, Madonna University, Livonia, MI, 1986
- BSN, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1977
Publication Highlights
Medvec, B. R. (2017). The influence of nurse manager practice environment on leadership behaviors as perceived by nurse managers and nursing staff (doctoral dissertation). Madonna University, Livonia, MI.
Titler, M. G., & Medvec, B. R. (2019). Evaluating the impact of implementing evidence-based practices. In G. Lobiondo-Wood, J. Haber, & M. G. Titler (Eds.), Evidence-based practice for nursing and healthcare quality improvement. Chapter 16, p 231241. Elsevier.
Medvec, B.R. (2018) Complex Care Decision-making and Delegation. Simulation, University of Michigan School of Nursing, Clinical Simulation Center.
Medvec, B. R. (2008). Creating a winning recruitment strategy “You and I together we are nursing”. Nurse Leader, 6(4), 22-23.
Medvec, B. R. (1994). Productivity and workload measurement in ambulatory oncology nursing. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 10, 288-295.
Medvec, B. R. (1988). Esophageal cancer. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 4, 246-256.
Medvec, B. R., Pelusi, J. L., Camp-Sorrell, D., Kleinschmidt, P., Krebs, L., & Mooney, K. (1986). Assistive personnel: Their use in cancer care-an Oncology Nursing Position Paper. Oncology Nursing Forum, 23, 647-651.
Miller, S. A., Dodd, M., Goodman, M., Pluth, N., Ryan, L., & Medvec, B. R. (1984). Cancer Chemotherapy Guidelines and recommendations for nursing education and practice. Pittsburg, PA: Oncology Nursing Society.
Medvec, B. R. (1985). Membership in action through nursing care guidelines. Oncology Nursing Forum, 12(3), 19-21.
Wheeler, R. H., Baker, S. R., & Medvec, B. R. (1984). Single agent and combination drug regional chemotherapy for head and neck cancer using an implantable infusion pump. Cancer, 54(2), 145-156.
Medvec, B. R. (1983). Implanted infusion systems: Nursing implications and patient care management. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Cancer Nursing. Oncology Nursing Society.
Baker, S. R., Wheeler, R. H., & Medvec, B. R. (1983). Surgical aspects of outpatient head and neck cancer. Journal of Otolaryngology Archives, 93(2), 192-199.
Baker, S. R., Wheeler, R. H., & Medvec, B. R. (1982). Innovative regional therapy for head and neck cancer. Archives of Otolaryngology.
Medvec, B. R., & Mioduszewski, J. (1980). Nurses supporting nurses: The Michigan oncology nurses association. Oncology Nursing Forum, 1 (7).