Grace Kanzawa-Lee, Ph.D., BSN, RN

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Cancer survivorship
- Behavioral interventions
- Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
- Neuropathic pain
Dr. Kanzawa-Lee’s program of research is focused on developing behavioral interventions for cancer treatment-related neuropathic pain. Her most recent study tested a home-based aerobic walking intervention for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in gastrointestinal cancer survivors. The complex intervention included motivational interviewing to facilitate home-based exercise. Dr. Kanzawa-Lee has also collaborated on research focused on cancer treatment-related neuropathic pain risk factors, measurement, and pharmacologic interventions and aims to contribute toward the discovery of biomarkers that mediate the effects of behavioral interventions on cancer treatment related symptoms.
Current Research Grants and Programs
- American Cancer Society Doctoral Scholarship in Cancer Nursing (DSCNR-19-056-03 – SCN); Co-PI; “Exercise to Reduce Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Pilot RCT”
Dr. Kanzawa-Lee has taught undergraduate nursing lab, medical surgical clinical, and didacticcourses at the UMSN and the graduate nursing course Scientific and Analytic Approaches for Advanced Practice. She has given two invited presentations for clinicians at the Infusion Nurses Society and UM Palliative Care conferences. Additionally, she formally mentored two registered nurses in developing and writing manuscripts on their individual quality improvement projects and three Rackham graduate students in writing their dissertation theses.
Dr. Kanzawa-Lee strongly believes in the necessity of utilizing multiple teaching methods to help students understand and link concepts, learn to seek additional information, answer the “why” questions, and make informed scientific decisions. She is dedicated to creating an inclusive and engaging learning environment, by encouraging student personal investment, creativity, and collaboration.
Affiliations / Service
- Member, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Rho Chapter, 2014-present
- Member, Oncology Nursing Society, 2016-present (Putting Evidence in Practice, Peripheral Neuropathy Committee Reviewer 2016-present)
- Member, American College of Sports Medicine, 2016-present
- Member, Academy Health, 2018-present
Notable Awards / Honors
- Rising Star Award, Sigma Theta Tau Rho Chapter, 2020
- Denny Hoelzer Sentinel Technologies Doctoral Scholarship in Cancer Nursing, American Cancer Society, 2018
- New Investigator Award, University of Michigan School of Nursing, 2018
- Hillman Scholarship, Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation, 2013-2017
- Hillman Alumni Nursing Network Innovation Fellowship, Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation, 2016
- Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2020
- BSN, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2015
Publication Highlights
Smith, E.M.L., Kuisell, C., Kanzawa-Lee, G., Bridges, C.M., Cho, Y., Swets, J., Gilchrist, L.S. (03/2021). Assessment of pediatric chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) using a new patient-reported outcome measure: The P-CIN. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 38(2):131-141.
Knoerl, R., Lee, D., Yang, J.J., Bridges, C., Kanzawa-Lee, G., Smith, L., & Smith, E.M.L. (2017). Examining the impact of a web-based intervention to promote patient activation in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy assessment and management. Journal of Cancer Education, 33(5):1027-1035. doi:10.1007/s13187-017-1200-0
Smith, E.M., Bridges, C.M., Kanzawa, G., Knoerl, R., Kelly, J.P., Berezvosky, A., & Woo, C. (2014). Cancer treatment-related neuropathic pain syndromes—Epidemiology and treatment: An update. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 18(11):459. doi:10.1007/s11916-014-0459-7
Smith, E.M.L., Haupt, R., Kelly, J.P., Lee-Ekblad, D., Kanzawa, G., Knoerl, R., Bridges, C., Alberti, P., Prasertsri, N., & Donohoe, C. (2017). The content validity of a chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy patient-reported outcome measure. ONF, 44(5):580–588. doi: 10.1188/17.ONF.580-588
Smith, E.M.L., Knoerl, R., Yang, J., Kanzawa-Lee, G., & Bridges, C. (2018). In search of a gold standard patient-reported outcome measure for use in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy clinical trials. Cancer Control, 25(1). doi: 10.1177/1073274818756608
Kanzawa-Lee, G., Harte, S.E., Bridges, C.M., Brummett, C., Clauw, D.J., Williams, D.A.,… Smith, E.M.L. (2018). Pressure pain phenotypes in women before breast cancer treatment. ONF, 45(4):483-495. doi: 10.1188/18.ONF.483-495.
Knoerl, R., Bridges, C., Lita Smith, G., Yang, J.J., Kanzawa-Lee, G, & Smith, E.M.L. (2018). Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: Use of an electronic oncology care planning system to improve adherence to recommended assessment and management practices. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22(5):E134-E140. doi: 10.1188/18.CJON.E134-E140.
Kanzawa-Lee, G., Knoerl, R., Williams, D.A., Clauw, D.J., Bridges, C. M., Harte, S.E.,..., Smith, E.M.L. (2018). Childhood trauma predicts cancer treatment-related pain in breast cancer survivors. Cancer Nursing. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000687.
Smith, E.M.L., Zanville, N., Kanzawa-Lee, G., Donohoe, C., Bridges, C., Loprinzi, C.,…, Yang, J.J. (2018). Rasch model-based testing of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Questionnaire-Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (QLQ-CIPN20) using Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology (Alliance) A151408 study data. Supportive Care in Cancer, 27(7):2599-2608. doi: 10.1007/s00520-018-4553-y.
Lee, D., Kanzawa-Lee, G., Knoerl, R., Wyatt, G., Smith, E.M.L. (2019). Characterization of internal validity threats to phase III clinical trials for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy management: A systematic review. APJON, 46(2). doi: 10.4103/apjon.apjon_14_19.
Kanzawa-Lee, G.A., Donohoe, C., Knoerl, R., Bridges, C.M., Smith, E.M.L. (2019). Mechanisms, predictors, and challenges in assessing and managing painful chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Semin Oncol Nurs, 35(3):253-260. doi: 10.1016/j.soncn.2019.04.006.
Knoerl, R., Gilchrist, L., Kanzawa-Lee, G.A., Donohoe, C., Bridges, C., Smith, E.M.L. (2020). Proactive rehabilitation for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Semin Oncol Nurs, 36(1):150983. doi: 10.1016/j.soncn.2019.150983.
Kanzawa-Lee, G.A., Larson, J.L., Resnicow, K., & Smith, E.M.L. (2020). Exercise effects on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: A comprehensive integrative review. Cancer Nursing, 43(3). doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000801.
Kanzawa-Lee, G. (2020). Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: Nursing implications. J Infus Nurs, 43(3):155-156. doi:10.1097/NAN.0000000000000368.
Smith, E.M.L, Donohoe, C., Kanzawa-Lee, G.A., Alberti, P., Cavaletti, G., Saad, R., Bridges, C.B., Park, S., the Toxic Neuropathy Consortium of the Peripheral Nerve Society. (2020). Approaches to measure paediatric chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity: A systematic review. Lancet Haematology, 7(5):e408-e417. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3026(20)30064-8.