Be part of groundbreaking research

U-M School of Nursing faculty researchers bring their depth of knowledge to the classroom setting to enrich your education with a research-intensive focus. And these leading nurse scientists regularly connect with committed undergraduate students to collaborate on their research.

The U-M School of Nursing is a hub for interdisciplinary research on campus



“It was a lot of hard work, but it was so worth it. The School of Nursing contributes to so much of my success today, and this opportunity has shaped me both personally and professionally.”Alumni spotlight: Katie Burmester (BSN '19)

During her BSN studies in the Honors program, 2019 graduate Katie Burmester connected with Clinical Professor Stephen Strobbe, Ph.D., RN, to become a key member of his research team.

A renowned expert in substance use and addiction issues in nursing, Strobbe has partnered with clinicians in the Child and Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatry Unit at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital to integrate screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) for substance use into their clinical care model.  Katie worked with Dr. Strobbe to evaluate the effectiveness of using an interactive computer simulation program to teach graduate and undergraduate nursing students how to deliver this evidence-based approach to prevention and early intervention.

Katie entered the U-M School of Nursing as a first-year student, and her research with Dr. Strobbe led her to graduate as a lead author and co-author on two peer-reviewed journal publications, presenting her work as a sophomore at the School of Nursing’s annual Research Day and later at Sigma Theta Tau’s regional conference. She now works in the Cardiovascular Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, where her experiences at U-M have proven invaluable.

Katie always knew she wanted to become a nurse, with a passion for helping others and a strong interest in the sciences. Attending the U-M School of nursing provided the opportunity to combine her interests in pursuit of her dream job, and connecting with Dr. Strobbe sparked an all-new interest in research.

Working with Dr. Strobbe and other faculty scholars, Katie developed skills analyzing data, writing manuscripts and more, putting research foundations she learned in the classroom into practice. As Katie learned, those practical experiences proved valuable in clinical rotations and opened the door to exciting opportunities after graduation.

“Our undergraduate program focused on evidence-based practice, so between that and this research-intensive experience, it has helped me tremendously,” she said. “At the end of our nurse residency program at Johns Hopkins, you have to present an evidence-based project with a group, and I could tell that my background really set me apart.”

The dynamic knowledge and skills Katie developed during her BSN studies at U-M helped earn her the job at Johns Hopkins, where colleagues have drawn on her experience for help on committees and specialized projects where expertise in evidence-based practice is essential.

“When I was interviewing for RN jobs last year, every manager at every institution asked me about my research, including my publications and poster presentations. It's definitely been a huge talking point,” she explained.

In an already demanding degree program, Katie admits her responsibilities on Dr. Strobbe’s research team were challenging. But she knows that hard work in the U-M School of Nursing’s BSN program helped set the table for a successful career as a clinician and nurse scientist.

“Nursing school is already stressful as it is, but I wouldn't change anything about my experience,” she said. “I thoroughly enjoyed my four years at U-M. They were challenging but so rewarding.”

Research Day

Nursing research is at the core of advancing health care. As a champion of nursing research that has impact, the U-M School of Nursing organized an initiative in 2009 to bring together the nursing community for a day dedicated to research. The goal was not only to provide an additional forum for faculty but also give students at all levels an opportunity to present their research, igniting and fueling their own research ambitions. Now an annual event at the School of Nursing, Research Day remains a way for faculty students, and university health care professionals to share the impact of their research while hearing new perspectives and forging collaborative partnerships.

Learn more 

Research Day 2021 Avenues of Nursing Impact

Research Day 2021

Avenues of impact.

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Two U-M School of Nursing students talking next to a research poster

Research Day 2019

Innovation at the interface of knowledge development and equitable care.

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U-M School of Nursing student shows research poster to faculty memeber

Research Day 2018

The science of nursing education.

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U-M School of Nursing students presenting research posters

Research Day 2017

The science of addictions: From risks to recovery.

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Beyond the School of Nursing, there are no shortage of ways to engage in research as an undergraduate student. Learn more through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.

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