Stephen Strobbe, Ph.D., RN, PMHCNS-BC, CARN-AP, FIAAN, FAAN

University of Michigan School of Nursing
426 North Ingalls
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2003
- Addictions nursing
- Psychiatric-mental health nursing
Dr. Stephen Strobbe is board-certified both in psychiatric and addictions nursing. His professional background has included clinical care, research, administration, and teaching. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles, position papers, book chapters, and other resources related to substance use and addictions nursing. Dr. Strobbe was a co-founder and the first Clinical Director for the University of Michigan Addiction Treatment Services (UMATS, 2006-2010). He has given invited talks both nationally and internationally, including the Federated States of Micronesia, Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, and Iceland. Dr. Strobbe is a Past President of the International Nurses Society on Addictions (2016-2018), a former Fulbright U.S. Scholar to Brazil (2017-2018), a Fellow of the International Academy of Addictions Nursing (FIAAN, 2016), and a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN, 2017).
Dr. Strobbe is a Clinical Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, and the University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, and continues to teach Behavioral Health Clinical courses. In 2015, Professor Strobbe received the 25th Annual Golden Apple Award, the only student-nominated and student-selected teaching award at the University of Michigan.
Affiliations / Service
- Editorial Board, Revista Eletronica Saude Mental Alcool e Drogas
- Member, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Honor Society of Nursing (since 1989)
- Member, International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA, since 1996)
- Member, American Nurses Association
- Member, Michigan Nurses Association
- Member, University of Michigan Depression Center
- Member, University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation (IHPI)
- Member, University of Michigan Global REACH
Notable Awards / Honors
- Edith Galt Morgan Award for Leadership and Scholarly Excellence in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, University of Michigan School of Nursing (1999)
- Administration/Management Award, IntNSA (2007)
- 25th Annual University of Michigan Golden Apple Award and Lecture (2015)
- Fellow of the International Academy of Addictions Nursing (FIAAN, 2016)
- Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN, 2017)
- Fulbright U.S. Scholar to Brazil (2017-2018)
- Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 2009
- MS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 1998
- BSN, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 1989
Publication Highlights
Oliveiria, J. L., Mendes, K. D. S., Almeida, L. Y., Almeida, J. C. P., Concalves, J. S., Strobbes, S.., & Souza, J. (in press). Mental health care in primary heal care: An integrative review. Issues in Mental Health Nursing.
Sowicz, T. J., Compton, P., Matteliano, D., Oliver, J., Strobbe, S., St. Marie, B., Turner, H. N., & Wilson, M. (2022). [Dual publication]. Position statement on behalf of the American Society of Pain Management Nursing (ASPMN), and the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA). Pain Management Nursing, 23, 691-692. Journal of Addictions Nursing (in press).
Turner, H. N., Oliver, J., Compton, P., Matteliano, D., Sowicz, T. J., Strobbe, S., St. Marie, B., & Wilson, M. (2022). Pain management and risks associated with substance use: Practice recommendations. [Practice recommendations on behalf of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses (ASPMN), and the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA)]. Pain Management Nursing, 23, 91-108.
Souza, J., Almeida, L. Y., Oliveria, J. L., Cazella, L. G., Guiral, E.C., Gaino, L. V., & Strobbe, S. (2022). Violence, drugs, and psychiatric disorders: News from the Brazilian press. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 21(4), 1349-1360.
American Nurses Association, and International Nurses Society on Addictions. (2022). Contributors: Adejumo, O., Baird, C., Burda, C., Clancy, C., Fogger, S., Fornili, K. S., Jewell, C., Mahmoud, K., Mitchell, A. M., Murphy-Parker, D., Plowden, K., Raynor, P., Smentkowski, R., Searby, A., Selby, V., Shuster, R., Strobbe, S., & Vourakis, C. Addictions nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Fornili, K. S. & Fogger, S. (Eds.). Silver Springs, MD: American Nurses Association.
Silva, L. D., Strobbe, S., Oliveira, J. L., Almeida, L. Y., Cardano, M., & Souza, J. (2021). Social support networks of users of crack cocaine and the role of a Brazilian health program for people living on the streets: A qualitative study. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 35, 526-533.
Almeida, L. C., Strobbe, S., Oliveira, J., Almedia, L. Y., & Souza, J. (2020). Work and unemployment among patients with mental disorders. Revista Mineira de Enfermagem, 25:e-1364.
Racal, S. J., Sitthimongkol, Y., Prasopkittikun, T., Punpuing, S., Chansatitporn, N., & Strobbe, S. (2020). Factors influencing alcohol use among Myanmar youth migrant workers. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 24(2), 172-186.
Strobbe, S. (2020). Applying Yalom’s therapeutic factors of group psychotherapy to Alcoholics Anonymous. [Published in Brazilian Portuguese, English, and Spanish]. Saudé Mental Álcool e Drogas, 16(2) 1-4.
Burmester, K. A., Ahluwalia, J. P., Ploutz-Snyder, R. J., & Strobbe, S. (2019). [Special Issue: Preventing Childhood Addiction and Care for the Child with Addictive Behaviors: Implications for Clinical Practice, Education, Policy and Research]. Interactive computer simulation for adolescent screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) for substance use in an undergraduate nursing program. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 49(6), 31-36.
Kuzma, E. K., Boucher, N. L., Burmester, K. A., Gray, B. L., Ploutz-Snyder, R. J., & Strobbe, S. (2018). Preparing advanced practice registered nursing students to deliver adolescent SBIRT for substance use. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(12), 736-741.
McCabe, S. E., West, B. T., Strobbe, S., & Boyd, C. J. (2018). Persistence/recurrence of and remission from DSM-5 substance use disorders in the United States: Substance-specific and substance-aggregated correlates. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 93, 38-48.
Krentzman, A. R., Strobbe, S., Harris, J. I., Jester, J. M., & Robinson, E. A. R. (2017). Decreased drinking and Alcoholics Anonymous are associated with different dimensions of spirituality. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 9(Suppl. 1, S40-S48).
Domenico, L. H., Strobbe, S., Stein, K. F., Giordani, Bruno, J., Hagerty, B. M., & Pressler, S. J. (2017). Identifying the structure and effect of drinking-related self-schemas. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 39(7), 942-981.
Strobbe, S., & Crowley, M. (2017). [Dual publication]. Joint position statement: Substance use among nurses and nursing students. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 43(3), 259-263. Substance use among nurses and nursing students: A joint position statement of the Emergency Nurses Association and the International Nurses Society on Addictions. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 24(2), 104-106.