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UMSN Graduate Creates Comfort for Patients and Families
In a world where kindness and compassion shine brightest, one University of Michigan School of Nursing (UMSN) graduate is making a difference with her thoughtful approach to patient care. From the moment Emma Barr, BSN, RN, stepped into the emergency department at Munson Medical Center in Traverse City as a newly graduated nurse, she wanted to treat patients with more than just a clinical approach.
Preceptor of the Year Awards 23-24
The University of Michigan School of Nursing Office of Professional Graduate Studies is excited to share the winners of the 2023-2024 Preceptor of the Year Awards! These awards are given annually to honor preceptors who have gone above and beyond in supporting our students' learning and professional development.
Local Nonprofit Helps Relieve Stress for UMSN Students
The pressure of tests and exams can leave students feeling a little anxious and stressed out. Now, insert a furry four-legged friend with a wagging tail and endless kisses and belly-rubs. Suddenly, things don’t seem quite so bad.
Brigadier General Carol Ann Fausone (ret.) named keynote speaker for U-M School of Nursing 2023 Spring Commencement
The University of Michigan School of Nursing is pleased to welcome Brigadier General Carol Ann Fausone (ret.) as the keynote speaker for its 2023 Spring Commencement ceremony, which will take place on Saturday, April 29th at Hill Auditorium.
U-M School of Nursing taps experienced fundraising pro to lead development team
The University of Michigan School of Nursing today announced the appointment of Angela Cao to the position of chief development officer effective Sept. 7, 2022.
U-M School of Nursing faculty honored for their work to grow simulation in nursing education internationally
Several University of Michigan School of Nursing faculty members were honored with an outstanding research poster award at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) conference.
Innovate 4 Change awardees fill a critical gap in community maternal health education
In fall of 2021, the inaugural Innovate 4 Change event hosted by the U-M School of Nursing Student Innovation Ambassado
Healthcare's Great Communicators
Assistant Professor Sheria Robinson-Lane, Ph.D., RN, MHA, and her team showed that Black COVID-19 patients received less medical follow-up, longer delays returning to work and higher rates of hospital readmissions.
We Dare to change health inequities
How can nursing research help us achieve health equity?
Virtual Education for Veterans Health
Supported by a $72,000 grant from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Clinical Professor Michelle Aebersold, Ph.D., RN, CHSE, FAAN, Clinical Assistant Professor Deb Lee, Ph.D., FNP, ACNP-BC and retired Brigadier General Carol Ann Fausone (BSN ’75) are using immersive technology to enhance nursing education and improve health care for military veterans.