We Dare

Launching the 4th We Dare Challenge - Unleashing Student Innovation

For a limited time, from February 1, 2024, to February 16, 2024, the University of Michigan School of Nursing is thrilled to launch the 4th We Dare Challenge, an exclusive opportunity for donors to directly impact the student experience. 

Donors who make a gift to the We Dare Challenge will experience the energy and excitement as four student projects vie for donor votes in a live-stream nursing student pitch competition. Immerse yourself in the pitches, interact with the students, ask questions, and cast your vote for the project that speaks to you.

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Brigadier General Carol Ann Fausone (ret.) named keynote speaker for U-M School of Nursing 2023 Spring Commencement

Portrait of General Carol Ann FausoneThe University of Michigan School of Nursing is pleased to welcome Brigadier General Carol Ann Fausone (ret.) as the keynote speaker for its 2023 Spring Commencement ceremony, which will take place on Saturday, April 29th at Hill Auditorium.

We Dare to improve cancer care beyond our borders

Laura Haskins We Dare graphic

Alumna Laura Haskins (BSN ’11) has never hesitated to change course in pursuit of her passion. She had already earned a bachelor’s in health science from Purdue University when she decided to become a nurse, finding inspiration from her colleagues as a certified nursing assistant at a residential hospice facility.

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