Faculty last names starting with "S"
All | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Saint Arnault, Denise M.
- Professor
- Women’s mental health
- Immigrant women
Sampselle, Carolyn M.
- Professor Emerita
- Urinary incontinence
- Preventative self-care
Sanvordenker, Jill
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Saran, Kelly A
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
- Disclosure of adverse outcomes
- Clinical risk management
Sarkar, Norma J.
- Clinical Instructor Emerita
Saslow, Laura R.
- Associate Professor
- Optimizing multi-component, online diet and lifestyle interventions
- Supporting long-term dietary adherence with psychological tools
Sauro, Kirk
- LEO Lecturer I
Schacke, Kara
- LEO Lecturer I
Scheich, Rachel
- LEO Intermittent Lecturer
- Management of LVAD
Schilt-Solberg, Marvin
- Assistant Professor
- Sexual and gender minorities
- Substance use
Schneider, Maria G
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Schoville, Rhonda
- Clinical Associate Professor
- Informatics
- Technology adoption
Schwartz, Kayleigh
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Scisney-Matlock, Margaret
- Professor Emerita
- Cardiovascular risk
- Illness representations
Sculli, Gary
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Seng, Julia S.
- Professor
- Posttraumatic stress
- Childbearing outcomes
Shakoor, Kelly
- Clinical Assistant Professor
Shamany-Fakhoury, Vanessa
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Sharma, Akshay
- Associate Professor
- HIV and STI prevention
- Sexual and gender minority health
Sharp, Jennifer M
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Shever-Doletzky, Leah
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Shuman, Clayton J.
- Assistant Professor
- Implementation Science
- Maternal-Infant Health
Shute, Jennifer
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Simmons, Shelby
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor