Classroom Availability & Scheduling

 Classrooms within the School of Nursing are primarily academic spaces for use by School of Nursing students, faculty, and staff. These spaces are limited to use for School of Nursing purposes, and are not meant as general event spacing. Any classroom request should be submitted as far in advance as possible to allow time for review of the request as it fits with UMSN’s academic needs. If you are looking to reserve a space for a small meeting, there are also conference rooms available for reservation in the Nursing 1 and Nursing 2 buildings.

Prior to scheduling a classroom, please review the Classroom Reservation Guidelines

  • You must check classroom availability (below) before requesting a space. 
  • Requests should be submitted at least two business days prior to the requested date. Same day requests are not guaranteed and your request may not be seen in time to be completed.

Reserve a classroom

Non-curricular reservations for future terms will be kept on file and completed after curricular reservations have been made for that academic term. 

  • Spring/Summer term requests will be reviewed after March 15.
  • Fall term requests will be reviewed after July 15.
  • Winter term requests will be reviewed after November 15.


     Collaborative Digital Display  Collaborative Digital Display

     Lecture Capture (Echo 360)  Lecture Capture using Echo 360

     Web conferencing  Web conferencing using a PC webcam

     Video Conferencing  Video conferencing

       Classroom photo



UMSN 300 N. Ingalls (300 NIB)


Number of SeatsSeating ArrangementPhotoFeatures
NI2C25 300 NIB203Lecture hall with tiered seating Photo of classroomWeb conferencing  Lecture Capture (Echo 360)




Number of SeatsSeating ArrangementPhotoFeatures
1191 400 NIB14Table/chair seatingPhoto of classroomWeb conferencing  Lecture Capture (Echo 360)
1219 400 NIB12Table/chair seatingPhoto of classroomWeb conferencing  Lecture Capture (Echo 360)
1222 400 NIB30Table/chair seatingPhoto of classroomWeb conferencing  Lecture Capture (Echo 360)
2184 400 NIB20Table/chair seatingPhoto of classroomWeb conferencing  Lecture Capture (Echo 360)
3151 400 NIB22Table/chair seatingPhoto of classroomWeb conferencing  Lecture Capture (Echo 360)
3152 400 NIB16​​​​​​Table/chair seatingPhoto of classroomWeb conferencing  Lecture Capture (Echo 360)
3156 400 NIB19​​​​Table/chair seatingPhoto of classroomWeb conferencing  Lecture Capture (Echo 360)


426 N. INGALLS (426 NIB) / NURSING 2

ClassroomNumber of SeatsSeating ArrangementPhotoFeatures
1000 426 NIB8414 fixed tables of 6 seats eachPhoto of classroomCollaborative Digital Display  Lecture Capture (Echo 360) Video Conferencing
1240 426 NIB60Table/chair seatingPhoto of classroomCollaborative Digital Display  Lecture Capture (Echo 360)  Video Conferencing
1250 426 NIB60Table/chair seatingPhoto of classroomCollaborative Digital Display  Lecture Capture (Echo 360)  Video Conferencing
2000 426 NIB10217 fixed tables of 6 seats at each tablePhoto of classroomCollaborative Digital Display  Lecture Capture (Echo 360)  Video Conferencing
2250 426 NIB200Lecture hall with tiered seating;
fixed tables in rows
Photo of classroomLecture Capture (Echo 360) Video Conferencing