Judith Lynch-Sauer, PhD, RN

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Chronic depression
- Falls
- Use of video games in nursing education
- Use of music as intervention for anxiety
- Continued development of theory of human relatedness
Dr. Lynch-Sauer has an interest in the self management of depression and has been involved in the preparation of a manualized group approach for “Progressive Illness Management.” Direction for the manual came from being part of a research team which has conducted focus groups to learn from individuals with chronic depression about how they recognize recurrence of depressive symptoms and how they cope with them. Dr. Lynch-Sauer has also been very involved with climate change in an inpatient psychiatric unit, working with unit leaders as well as staff on multiple issues, such as lateral violence, staff to staff mentoring, and “celebration of nursing.”
Current Research Grants and Programs
- Progressive illness management for depression
- Falls in inpatient psychiatric setting
- Use of music as intervention for various psychiatric symptoms
Dr. Lynch-Sauer teaches both in graduate and undergraduate psychiatric-mental health nursing courses, lecturing in didactic courses as well as teaching in the clinical domain. Based on her own professional interest in complementary and alternative nursing therapies, Dr. Lynch-Sauer presents on these topics in both freshmen and sophomore classes. Overall, she is very interested in mentoring students, at the undergraduate level mentoring students in the Honor’s Program, Honor’s research, career determination, and an independent study shadowing a CRNA. At the graduate level, she mentors students who are working on their N699 projects, determining their career trajectories, and working on their dissertations.
Affiliations / Service
- Member, Sigma Theta Tau, Rho Chapter, 1969-present (several service roles 1980-1996)
- Group Facilitator, Lamaze Childbirth Assoc. of Ann Arbor, 1982-present
- Member, Great Lakes Center for Healing Touch, 1995-present (Vice President Advisory Board, 2006-2008)
- Co-chairperson of Conference Planning Committee, Interdisciplinary Qualitative Conference, University of Michigan, March, 2002
- PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1981
- MS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1969
- BSN, Hunter College of City University of New York, NY, 1965
Publication Highlights
Allen, J., Arslanian-Engoren, & Lynch-Sauer, J. (2009). The lived experience of women with New York Heart Association Class III heart failure: A phenomenological study. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, 23(3), 96-101.
Essenmacher, C., Karvonen-Guttierrez, C., Lynch-Sauer, J., & Duffy, S. (2009). Staff’s attitudes toward the delivery of tobacco cessation services in a primarily psychiatric Veteran Affairs hospital. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 23(3), 231-242.
Ziemba, R.A., & Lynch-Sauer, J. (2005). Preparedness for taking care of elderly parents: “First, you get ready to cry”. Journal of Women & Aging, 17(1/2), 99-113.