The impact of adding an APRN to the therapeutic response team
Project Background
Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) can improve neurological recovery after cardiac arrest when implemented quickly. To improve outcomes, a midwest community teaching hospital recently added advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to its TH response team.
Project Purpose
The purpose of this quality improvement project was to evaluate the processes and outcomes associated with the addition of a CCU APRN to the Code Cool response.
Project Methods
A pilot quality improvement (QI) project was conducted using a retrospective chart review of all adult TH patients before and after the addition of APRNs to evaluate: time to target core body temperature, TH implementation, discharge status and hospital length of stay (LOS).
Project Outcomes
A total of 14 adult patients (pre n=8, post n=6) comprised the sample. Adding APRNs to the TH team decreased LOS (p=0.0446), but other metrics did not differ.
Project Implications
The addition of APRNs to the TH response team significantly decreased LOS in this small pilot. This QI project provides foundational data to evaluate APRN specific metrics and to compare with future data using a larger longitudinal sample.