School of nursing news
We Dare to reimagine nursing education
Jan 15, 2020How do we bring a top-ranked nursing education into the digital space and make the Michigan difference more accessible?
The University of Michigan School of Nursing’s new online master’s programs are student-centered and faculty-driven, distinguished by an enhanced focus on connectivity. Students now have the opportunity to earn their MSN in the Primary Care Family Nurse Practitioner, Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner and Leadership, Analytics and Innovation specialties through a newly developed digital education curriculum.
These specialty programs were... Read more
We Dare to elevate the nursing profession
Jan 15, 2020When Olga Yakusheva’s mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, she made an observation that would change her career. During multiple hospitalizations in her hometown of Almaty, Kazakhstan, her mother’s outlook, behavior and health status changed depending on who was in the room.
“The differences with nurses was noticeable day to day,” said Yakusheva. “When a certain nurse was taking care of her, my mother seemed to have better blood pressure and she felt better, slept better and ate better.”
The opposite was true with another nurse.
“She was a good nurse and... Read more
We Dare to inform health care policy
Jan 15, 2020How can we use research to reshape policy and transform the way we care for vulnerable populations?
Most adults ages 65 and older rely on Medicare. This population is living longer than ever before, and doing so with more chronic illness and functional limitations. Assistant Professor Geoffrey Hoffman, Ph.D., MPH, is using his research on falls, caregiving and hospital readmissions to push for policy change and rethink the way we provide care to older adults.
Hoffman’s analyses show systemic concerns. He estimates that Medicare spends $10 to $20 billion per year on falls... Read more
We Dare to strengthen women's health care
Jan 15, 2020How does a nurse make a difference in their community?
Growing up in Flint, Nafisah McClendon, MSN, CNM, FNP-BC, realized she wanted to be a nurse, but her own pregnancy sparked a passion to become a nurse-midwife. She came to the University of Michigan driven by a desire to help women in the city she calls home.
As McClendon studied to become a nurse at the University of Detroit Mercy, midwifery wasn’t a career path she ever considered. But when she found out she was pregnant, something changed.
“Once I got pregnant, it sparked something, and I decided if I’m... Read more
We Dare to achieve our best
Jan 15, 2020Where would you go to pursue your passion?
BSN student Hayley Flores grew up hearing stories of the dedicated NICU nurses who provided lifesaving care to her brother when he was born prematurely. She came to the University of Michigan from Santa Clarita, California, to pursue the dream of becoming a NICU nurse herself.
“I’ve always looked up to nurses, and understanding the impact they’ve had on my family made me want to become one,” Flores said.
Flores also draws inspiration from her father. Raised in poverty by a single mother, he became an educator and has... Read more
Student spotlight: Understanding the business of health care to create change from within
May 10, 2019Nursing students are known to have some of the busiest schedules, but University of Michigan School of Nursing (UMSN) Honors Student Kathryn Parkhurst isn’t letting that deter her from taking on extra challenges to benefit her future career and patients. She’s following an uncommon academic path by pursuing a minor in business administration.
“My plan is to work a few years at the bedside to get direct patient care experience and then go towards policy or administration,” said Parkhurst. “We need more nurse leaders, especially people who know what nurses do in daily practice,... Read more
2019 Research Day: Driving nursing innovation to the forefront
Apr 11, 2019“Nurses are in closest proximity to the problems patients face and are well positioned to deliver and implement solutions,” said Nancy P. Hanrahan, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, as she kicked off the Brouse Lecture at University of Michigan School of Nursing’s Research Day: Innovation at the interface of knowledge development and equitable care. Research Day is a celebrated annual event now in its ninth year.
Hanrahan, executive director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Massachusetts-Boston, focused on the largely untapped potential of nurses to disrupt the health care... Read more
UMSN Lifetime Achievement Award honors Jo Anne Horsley posthumously
Jul 20, 2018By Suzanne Feetham, Ph.D., RN, FAAN (BSN 1962)
The contributions of Jo Anne Horsley, Ph.D., RN, FAAN (1940-2018) to the nursing profession and excellence in the practice and science of nursing are exceptional. Horsley was a three-time Michigan graduate, receiving her BSN in 1962, MS in 1968, and her Ph.D. in Education in 1971.
She was a prescient leader for quality and safety years before the Institute of Medicine’s 1999 report To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Her most highly recognized contribution is the Conduct and Utilization of Research in Nursing (... Read more
Research Day 2018: The Science of Nursing Education
Apr 09, 2018More than 200 students, faculty and researchers came together for the University of Michigan School of Nursing's eighth annual Research Day. The event celebrates the wide range of nursing research, from big data to health promotion, but this year it was nursing education that was the primary focus.
The event kicked off with the annual Suzanne H. Brouse lecture. Marilyn H. Oermann, Ph.D., RN, ANEF, FAAN, Duke University School of Nursing, delivered her presentation -titled, “A Program of Research in Nursing Education: Building Evidence for Teaching.”
Research presentations and a... Read more
UMSN Ph.D. candidate receives funding to research yoga for bone marrow transplant patients
Sep 26, 2017Mohamad Baydoun, a University of Michigan doctoral candidate, recently won a $5,000 research award from the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Foundation. ONS will fund Baydoun’s dissertation research on “Yoga for persistent fatigue in the survivors of bone marrow transplantation (BMT).”
Baydoun has six years of experience as an oncology nurse in a bone marrow transplantation unit. His research addresses fatigue after BMT, a problem that limits activities and causes distress.
Baydoun’s study explores the feasibility of a yoga program to address fatigue. Because yoga is easy to... Read more