Ray Blush, DNP, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC

Clinical Assistant Professor
Program Lead – AGACNP/CNS Programs
Department of Health Behavior and Clinical Sciences
Room 2304 NURS1

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482

Telephone: (734) 763-1475
Fax: (734) 936-5525


  • Emergency care
  • Acute care
  • Patient-clinician communication

Ray Blush is an Adult Acute Care Nurse Practitioner who has grounded his career in emergency and observation settings. Because of his experience in this field, Ray has been part of teams that develop observation units, bringing forth the much valued nurse/medical provider standpoint. Additionally, he has developed an evidence-based practice focused on the care of patients in these settings, which he enjoys sharing with students whom he works with previously in the emergency department and now medical observation settings.

Current Research Grants and Programs

  • Virtual Anatomical Dissection for Transforming the Learning of Human Anatomy. CoPI. University of Michigan, Third Century Initiative (2015).


Ray's teaching role in dually-faceted in that he has had the opportunity to work with graduate nurse practitioner students in the classroom as well as in acute care clinical settings. As a classroom instructor, Ray leads several seminar classes as well as specific lectures with some examples of classroom content being a wound repair lab with hands on practice and x-ray and EKG interpretation. From a clinical vantage point, Ray has had the opportunity to evaluate graduate students in their precepted clinical sites as well as directly precept students in the clinical setting. Starting in 2017 he has led a global clinical immersion experience in an acute care setting in Bangkok, Thailand. 

Affiliations / Service

  • Member, Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners
  • Member, National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties
  • Member, Livingston County, Michigan - Public Health Volunteer Response Team
  • Member, Sigma Theta Tau: Honor Society of Nursing

Notable Awards / Honors

  • Nomination: Michigan Nurse Practitioner of the Year - Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners; 2015
  • King/Chavez/Parks Future Faculty Fellowship: Oakland University; September 2013
  • Mid-Level Provider of the Year, awarded by Johns Hopkins Emergency Medicine Residents, 2006-2007
  • Best Preceptor, Johns Hopkins Emergency Medicine, Emergency Nursing Recognition, July 2004


  • DNP, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, 2015
  • MSN, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 2005
  • BSN, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 2000

Publication Highlights

  • Blush III, R & Larsen, P. (2014). Chapter 23: Gastrointestinal Symptoms. In M. Matzo & D. Sherman (Eds.). Palliative Care Nursing: Quality Care to the End of Life (4th ed). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

  • Blush, R. (2013). Acute bronchitis: Evaluation and management. The Nurse Practitioner, 38(10), 14-20. doi: 10.1097/01.NPR.0000434092.41971.ad.

  • Blush, R., & Matzo, M. (2012). Acute infectious diarrhea: An overview of causes, preventives, and treatments. American Journal of Nursing, 112(8), 65-8.

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