Susan E. Maycock, DNP, RN, CNS-BC

Adjunct Clinical Instructor

Michigan Medicine
300 North Ingalls Building
Suite 6B05
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482

Telephone: (734) 936-7457
Fax: (734) 764-5316


  • Emergency nursing
  • Glycemic management
  • Health disparities in vulnerable populations
  • APRN practice and case management
  • Simulation in nursing education

Dr. Maycock is an educational nurse specialist and a clinical nurse specialist. She has an extensive background in emergency services, occupational health, case management and motivational leadership. She has also presented nationally at simulation and case management conferences. Her current practice focus includes nursing staff development, simulation, curriculum development and redesign, support for technology implementation of a clinical information system at the health system level. This multidisciplinary, multi-year project is meant to transform the way nurses create, coordinate, and access clinical information to care for patients. Just before transitioning into her present role, Dr. Maycock designed and received a grant for a “restraint free” clinical practice focus that took place on a UMHS acute care medicine unit. After one year, results of the nursing quality initiative showed that through robust nursing education, espousing alternatives to restraints, the project had a significant impact on patient outcomes. The point-in-prevalence rate of mechanical restraints was reduced by fifty percent in a patient population that may have otherwise been placed into restraints. The results of the project have inspired a similar grant proposal at the institutional level. .


Dr. Maycock has vast experience teaching patients, colleagues, nursing students, and community affiliates. She currently teaches at the undergraduate level through the development of creative techniques and innovative technology to inspire clinical skills and critical thinking in the clinical environment. She is also involved in graduate level education through precepting and mentoring. In addition, she has delivered academic presentations covering glycemic management in acute care and critical care patients, as well as community-based presentations on health promotion and risk reduction. Dr. Maycock utilizes innovative technology methods and strategies to promote learning and engagement. Her enthusiasm for nursing is evident not only in the professional environment, but also as she actively recruits future nurses through informal and formal venues.

Affiliations / Service

  • Member, National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, 2007-present
  • Member, Emergency Nurses Association, 2001 - present
  • Member, Michigan Nurses Association, 2004 - present
  • Member, Sigma Theta Tau International, Rho and Eta Rho Chapters, 2012 - present
  • Member, Association for Nursing Professional Development, 2011-present
  • Member, American Diabetes Association, 2011 - present


  • DNP, Chamberlain College of Nursing, Chicago, IL, 2015
  • MSN, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI, 2003
  • BSN, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI, 2001

Publication Highlights

  • Maycock, S.E. (2012). Settings for Care. In K. Mauk (Ed.), Rehabilitation nursing: A contemporary approach to practice (pp. 22-27). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.