Shaké Ketefian, EdD, RN, FAAN

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Research in nursing
- Ethics
- Measurement of ethical practice
- Research ethics/scientific integrity
- Global issues in healthcare and knowledge development
Dr. Ketefian’s recent research and scholarly publications have focused on global health, global issues in knowledge development, scientific integrity, international doctoral education, effect of environments on the development of nursing research, effect of policies requiring publication in high impact factor journals on the development of nursing science in several countries.
Dr. Ketefian has a rich history of teaching, both within the United States and internationally. She has taught students at all levels of education, supervised independent study and mentored graduate student research, serving on master’s and doctoral students’ projects and dissertations. Her students have collaborated on her research and participated as co-authors in publications. Dr. Ketefian’s recent teaching assignments have included seminars for undergraduate honors students, research methods, research in nursing ethics, international health; she has been a guest lecturer in a number of courses on the subject of ethics in nursing research. Dr. Ketefian has lectured internationally and has conducted workshops for doctoral students and nursing faculties.
Affiliations / Service
- Founding President, International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing, 2000-2003; re-elected, 2003-06
- Chairperson, International Postdoctoral Mentoring Program, jointly sponsored by the International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing and Sigma Theta Tau International, 2005-2009
- Board Member, National Arab American Nursing Association, 2005-; Chairperson, Scholarship Committee, 2007-10
- Chairperson of Conference Planning Committee, International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing Biennial Meetings: 1997 (Vancouver), 1999 (London), 2001 (Copenhagen), 2003 (Toronto), 2005 (Taipei, Taiwan)
- Member of Planning Committee, Pan American Nursing Research Colloquia, for several biennial meetings of this series. Organizer of special sessions on doctoral education in Latin American region at each of the Colloquia
- Chairperson, Pan American Nursing and Midwifery Collaborating Centers, 2002-2004; Secretary, 2000-2002
- Chair, Midwest Nursing Research Society committee on scientific integrity, 1995-1996 and 2001-2003; Chair, international research committee, 2005-2009
Notable Awards / Honors
- Rose and George Doval Education Award, New York University College of Nursing, 2009
- Distinguished Alumna Award for 2009, Worldwide Alumni Association of the American University of Beirut, 2009
- Award for Excellence in the Technical Publications, Society for Technical Communications Washington, D. C. Chapter, 2009
- Clare Dennison Lecturer, University of Rochester School of Nursing, 2009
- Presidential Recognition Award, Midwest Nursing Research Society, 2003
- EdD, Teachers College – Columbia University, New York, NY, 1972
- MEd, Teachers College – Columbia University, New York, NY, 1968
- BS, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 1963
Publication Highlights
Ketefian, S., Dai, Y. T. (In press). Environment for scholarship and journal impact factors in Taiwan. Nursing and Health Sciences.
2. Ketefian, S., Dai, Y. T., Hanucharurnkul, S., Mendes, I. A. C., and Norman, I. J. (In press). Environments for scholarship and journal impact factor in five countries. International Nursing Review.
Ketefian, S. (In press). Writing for scholarly and research journals. In C. Saver (Ed.). Anatomy of writing for publication. [to be published by Sigma Theta Tau International]
Ketefian, S. (In press). Scientific integrity in nursing. Nursing in Focus. [New Brazilian journal].
Ketefian, S., & Mendes, I. A. C. (2010). Environment for scholarship and journal impact factor in Brazil. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing, 9(1).
Ketefian, S., & Hanucharurnkul, S. (2009). Environment for scholarship and journal impact factor in Thailand. Thai Journal of Nursing Research, 13(3), 159-166.
Ketefian, S., & Freda, M. C. (2009). Impact factor and citation counts: A state of disquiet [an editorial]. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 46(6), 751-2.
Ketefian, S. (2008). Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Tribute. Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 46(3), 13-14.
Ketefian, S. & Manojlovich, M. (2008). Evidence-based practice. In H.R. Feldman et al. (Eds.), Nursing leadership: A concise encyclopedia. New York: Springer Publishing, pp.194-198.
Ketefian, S. (2008). Research in nursing ethics: A journey. In W. J. Pinch & A. M. Haddad (Eds.), Nursing and health care ethics: A legacy and a vision. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association, pp. 183-193.
Ketefian, S. (2008). Doctoral education in the context of development strategies [an editorial]. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 45(10), 1401-2.
Potempa, K., & Ketefian, S. (2008). Advancing the impact of nursing science on health care: Scientists in an academic model. Proceedings of an International Conference on Primary Health Care, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Ketefian, S. (2007). The International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing: A success story. In S. M. Weinstein & A.M. Brooks (Eds.), Nursing without borders: Values, wisdom, success markers. Indianapolis, IN, Sigma Theta Tau International, pp. 251-257.
Ketefian, S., Donaldson, N., Sebastian, J., & Olshansky, E. (2006). The importance of nursing in promoting peace: Implications for nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing, 22(6), 326-327.
Kim, M. J., McKenna, H. P., & Ketefian, S. (2006). Global quality criteria, standards, and indicators for doctoral programs in nursing; literature and guideline development. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 43(4), 477-489.