Richard W. Redman, Ph.D., MS, BSN

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Healthcare quality
- Patient expectations
- Clinical and organizational outcomes
- Staffing effectiveness
- Team effectiveness and patient outcomes
Dr. Redman’s research program focuses on quality and patient safety in nursing practice environments and their impact on clinical and organizational outcomes. He has conducted a number of research projects based on this focus, ranging in scope from the patient to the organizational level. Currently he is involved in three projects: the first is finalizing an instrument to measure patient expectations for care; second, he is examining the relationship between adverse patient events and nurse staffing at the unit level; and finally, Dr. Redman is collaborating with an interdisciplinary team to examine effective interdisciplinary team performance in emergency clinical events.
Current Research Grants and Programs
- Redman, R.W. Co-PI (L. Chadiha, PI, School of Social Work). UM Social Work/Nursing Bridges to the Doctorate. NIH, NIGMS (1-R25-GM-089637-01), $1,051,380. 2/1/2010 to 1/31/2013.
- Oteng, R. (PI), Carter, P., & Redman, R. (co-PI). Ghana Emergency Medicine Collaborative Training Program.
- Fernandez, R. (PI; Wayne State University). Redman, R.W. (co-PI). Improving Patient Safety Through Leadership and Team Performance in Simulation.
Dr. Redman teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. His teaching expertise include the health care delivery system, health care finance, leadership and management, and research methods for assessing clinical outcomes. He is recognized nationally for teaching service-learning and acts as a faculty mentor in the National Service-Learning Institute.
Affiliations / Service
- President, International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing, 2008-2011
- Board member, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health, 2002-present
- Chair, University of Michigan IRB Health-Behavioral Sciences, 2009-present
- Visiting Professor, Mahidol University Faculty of Nursing, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007-present
- Mentor and Institute Faculty, CCPH Summer Service-Learning Institute, 2008-present
- Member, Internal Advisory Board, UM Center for Global Health, 2009-present
- Member, Nursing Education Task Force, State of Michigan, 2008-present
Notable Awards / Honors
- Service-Learning Award for Outstanding Contributions, Michigan Campus Compact, 2010
- PhD, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 1979
- MS, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 1974
- BSN, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, 1971
Publication Highlights
Krapohl, G., Manojlovich, M., Redman, R., & Sing, L. (in press). Nursing specialty certification and nursing sensitive patient outcomes in the intensive care unit: An intangible link? American Journal of Critical Care. Expected Nov. 2010.
Liu, Yilan, &Redman, R.W. (2009). Introduction to nursing PhD program and teaching practices at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. Chinese Journal of Nursing Education, (6:2): 95-98.
Potempa, K., Redman, R.W., & Landstrom, G. (2009). Human resources in nursing education: A worldwide crisis. Collegian: Journal of the Royal College of Nursing Australia, 16, (1): 19-23.
Potempa, K., Redman, R.W., & Anderson, C. (2008). Capacity for the advancement of nursing science: Issues and challenges. Journal of Professional Nursing, 24 (6; Nov. – Dec.): 329-336.
Redman, R.W. (2008). Symposium in tribute to a nursing leader: Ada Sue Hinshaw. Nursing Research, 57 (15), Supplement: S1-S4.
Redman, R.W. (2007). Critical challenges in doctoral education: Highlights of the biennial meeting of the International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 4 (2): 61-65.
Clark, L. & Redman, R.W. (2007). Mexican immigrant mothers’ expectations for children’s health services. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 29 (6): 670-690.
Arslanian-Engoren, C., Redman, R., Whall, A., Kernohan, G., Slevin, E., & Slevin, O. (2006). Evidence-based nursing and mental health concerns: A cross-national discussion. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 20 (3), 105-107.
Lynn, M.R., Redman, R.W., & Zomorodi, M.G. (2006). The canaries in the coalmine speak: Why someone should (and should not) become a nurse. Nursing Administration Quarterly,30 (4): 340-350.
Redman, RW. (2006). Leadership succession planning: An evidence-based approach for managing the future. JONA, 36 (6), 292-297.
Lynn, M. & Redman, RW (2006). Staff nurses and their solutions to the nursing shortage. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 28 (6), 678-693.
Redman, R. & Lynn, M. (2005). Assessment of patient expectations for care. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 19 (3), 275-285.
Lynn, M. & Redman, R. (2005). Faces of the nursing shortage: Influences on staff nurses’ intentions to leave their positions or nursing. JONA, 35 (5), 264-270.
Esposito, N., Redman, RW, Moore, K., Foster, B., & Blue, J. (2005). Preventing violence in an academic setting: One school of nursing’s approach. Nursing Education Perspectives, 26 (1): 24-29.
Redman, R.W. & Lynn, M.R. (2004). Advancing patient-centred care through knowledge development. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 36(3), 116-130.