Nola J. Pender, PhD, RN, FAAN

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Physical activity
- Adolescent health
- Health promotion
- Health behavior counseling
Dr. Pender developed the Health Promotion Model that is used internationally for research, education, and practice. During her active research career, she conducted research testing on the Health Promotion Model with adults and adolescents. She also developed the program “Girls on the Move” with her research team and began intervention research into the usefulness of the model in helping adolescents adopt physically active lifestyles, developing a number of instruments that measure components of the model. In retirement, she consults on health promotion research nationally and internationally.
Dr. Pender has been a nurse educator for over forty years. Throughout her career, she taught baccalaureate, masters, and PhD students; she also mentored a number of postdoctoral fellows. In 1998, she received the Mae Edna Doyle Teacher of the Year Award from the University of Michigan School of Nursing. She currently serves as a Distinguished Professor at Loyola University Chicago, School of Nursing.
Affiliations / Service
- Co-Founder, Midwest Nursing Research Society
- Trustee, Midwest Nursing Research Society Foundation, 2009-present
- Member, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 1998-2002
- Member, Board of Directors, Research America, 1993-2000
- President, American Academy of Nursing, 1991-1993
- President, Midwest Nursing Research Society, 1985-1987
- Member, American Nurses’ Association, 1962-present
Notable Awards / Honors
- Selected for Portraits of Excellence, FITNE Series, Volume II
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Midwest Nursing Research Society, 2005
- Distinguished Contributions to Nursing and Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1997
- Honorary Doctorate of Science Degree, Widener University, 1992
- Distinguished Contributions to Research, Midwest Nursing Research Society, 1988
- Distinguished Alumni Award, Michigan State University School of Nursing, 1972
- PhD, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1969
- MA, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 1965
- BS, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 1964
Publication Highlights
Pender, N.J., Murdaugh, C., & Parsons, M.A. Health promotion in nursing practice, 6th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall, 2010.
Hendricks, C., Murdaugh, C., & Pender, N. The adolescent lifestyle profile: Development and psychometric characteristics. Journal of National Black Nurses Association, 2006;17(2): 1-5.
Robbins, L.B., Gretebeck, K.A., Kazanis, A.S., Pender, N.J. (2006). Girls on the Move program to increase physical activity participation. Nurs Res 2006;55(3):206-216.
Pender, N.J., Bar-Or, O., Wilk, B. & Mitchell, S. Self-efficacy and perceived exertion of girls during exercise. Nurs Res, 2002; 5: 86-91.
Pender, N.J., Bar-Or, O., Wilk, B. & Mitchell, S. Self-efficacy and perceived exertion of girls during exercise. Nurs Res 2002; 51(2): 86-91.
Whitlock, E.P., Orleans, C.T., Pender, N. J., Allan, J. Evaluating primary care behavioral counseling interventions: An evidence-based approach. Amer J Prev Med 2002;22(4): 267-284.
Eden, K.B., Orleans, C.T., Mulrow, C.D., Pender, N.J., Teutsch, S.M. Does counseling by clinicians improve physical activity? A summary of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Annals of Intern Med 2002;137 (3):208-215.
Shin, Y.H., Jang, H.J., & Pender, N.J. Psychometric evaluation of the exercise self-efficacy scale among Korean adults with chronic diseases. Res Nurs Health. 2001;24: 68-76.
Robbins, L.B., Pender, N.J., Conn, V.S., Frenn, M.D., Neuberger, G.B., Nies, M.A., Topp, R.V., & Wilbur, J.E. Physical activity research in nursing. J Nurs Schol 2001;33(4): 315-321.
Wu, T.Y., & Pender, N.J. Determinants of physical activity among Taiwanese adolescents: An application of the health promotion model. Res in Nurs Health 2001; 25: 25-36.
Garcia, A.W., Pender, N.J., Antonakos, C.L., & Ronis, D.L. Changes in physical activity beliefs and behaviors of boys and girls across the transition to junior high school. J Adol Health. 1998;22(5): 394-402.
Pender, N.J. Motivation for physical activity among children and adolescents. In J.Fitzpatrick & J. S. Stevenson (Eds). Annual Review of Nursing Research, New York: Springer.1998; 16: 139-172.
Pender, N.J. Health promotion: An emerging science for self care and professional care. Qual Nurs 1997; 3(5): 449-454.
Pender, N.J., Sallis, J., Long, B.J., et al. Health care provider counseling to promote physical activity. In R. K. Dishman (Ed.) Advances in Exercise Adherence Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1994; 213-235.
Pender, N.J., Walker, S.N., Stromborg, M.F., & Sechrist, K.R. Predicting health-promoting lifestyles in the workplace. Nurs Res 1990; 39 (6): 326-332.