Francene Lundy, BSN, MSA, RN

Michigan Medicine
1500 East Medical Center Dr.
Unit 8D, Room 8742
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5116
- Lean thinking
- High reliability models
- Evidence-based practice to achieve quality outcomes
- Leadership
Ms. Lundy is Director of Patient Care Services at Michigan Medicine. She has expertise in the areas of leadership, mentoring, facilitating, and professional development. Her focus is on instilling “Lean Transformation” into patient care operations to provide a high level of care while minimizing waste which leads to lower cost. Ms. Lundy strives to promote quality outcomes based upon evidence-based standards by reviewing the literature, seeking insights from other colleagues. This information is shared with various teams an integrated into practice where appropriate. This is evident in efforts such as communication and collaboration between nurses and physicians, standards for mobility and pain. She fosters empowerment, diligence toward vision, and direction for nursing teams by setting the tone for knowledge sharing, fostering transparency and dissemination of information. She establishes an environment for integration of new ideas and strategies that are broadly communicated. Partnership with multidisciplinary colleagues is a pillar of her practice.
Ms. Lundy has been a seminar presenter for various courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at the School of Nursing. Her presentation on core competencies for inter-professional collaborative practices provides students an overview of the multiple relationships and the interactions of the many healthcare providers required to foster optimal patient outcomes. She provides students in Nursing 659-Business and Health Systems insights relative to the scope, responsibilities, vision, and expectations of nursing services from a business and health system perspective. In addition, Ms. Lundy teaches leadership and mentoring concepts for the Foundations for Successful Leadership Program for new managers within UMHS.
Affiliations / Service
- Member, Sigma Theta Tau, Inc. International Honor Society of Nursing, 1986-Present
- MSA, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 1992
- BSN, University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI, 1976
Publication Highlights
Knoblauch D. J., Bettis, M.A., Lundy, F., & Meldrum, C. (2013). Financial implications of starting a mobility protocol in a surgical intensive care unit. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 36, (1), 120–126.