Geoffrey J. Hoffman, PhD, MPH

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
In the news
Sept. 2, 2020: Michigan News "Depression worsens over time for older caregivers of newly diagnosed dementia patients"
Aug. 19, 2020: Michigan News "Balancing act: falls often early signal of underlying health problems"
July 9, 2020: Stateside "For older adults, social distancing brings its own mental and physical health risks."
July, 2020: Blog Talk Radio "Active Older Veterans and Fall Injury Study by Geoffrey Hoffman, Ph.D."
April 20, 2020: U.S. News & World Report "Active older vets more likely to fall, but less likely to get hurt: Study"
April 14, 2020: Michigan News "Physically active older veterans fall more, but hurt themselves less"
April 1, 2020: Michigan News "Stop calling them ‘elderly’: Talking to older adults about self-isolating"
June 27, 2019: Kaiser Health News "More Seniors Are Dying In Falls. Doctors Could Do More To Reduce The Risk"
June 17, 2019: Reuters Health "When elders leave hospital, falls are big reason they return"
May 24, 2019: Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation News "Hospitals fall short in teaching fall prevention to departing patients"
- Aging
- Injury/safety
- Family and friend caregiving
- Medicare programs and payment policy
- Alzheimer's disease
Dr. Hoffman is a health services researcher and gerontologist. His research focuses on quality of care and Medicare policies affecting physical functioning and safety for older adults. Specific topics of interest include the prevalence, risks, and outcomes associated with fall injuries, implications of family and friend caregiving for older adult injury prevention, well-being, and interactions with the healthcare system, and how Medicare reimbursements influence older individuals' long-term functioning, safety, and care patterns.
Dr. Hoffman's work has been published in leading health services and gerontological journals such as JAMA Network Open, the Journal of General Internal Medicine, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Journal of Aging and Health, Medical Care, Health Services Research, and The Gerontologist.
Current Research Grants and Programs
- MCubed University of Michigan (Hoffman, PI); Health equity and financial incentives: disrupting policy with big data
- Elsie Anderson Fiske Research Fund (Hoffman, PI) Treatment Patterns and Trajectories in Functioning and Cognitive Status among Older Individuals with Dementia, according to Care Receipt and Minority Status
- (Bynum, PI) DHHS-NIH. Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s (CAPRA); pilot award to examine informal care patterns for older adults with dementia
Dr. Hoffman teaches the nursing Ph.D. course on research methodology (HS852), which covers conceptual models and statistical models for health services research, and statistics for nursing undergraduate students. He has frequently guest lectured on U.S. health care policy and financing and conduct of observational research using secondary data.
Affiliations / Service
- Member, AcademyHealth, 2010-present
- Member, American Public Health Association, 2010-present
Notable Awards / Honors
- HSR Best of AcademyHealth for abstract, "Impact of Medicare Eligibility on Informal Caregiving for Surgery and Stroke," 2021.
- HSR Best of AcademyHealth for abstract, "Are Improvements Still Needed to the Modified Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program: a Health and Retirement Study (2000-14)?", 2020
- James G. Zimmer New Investigator Award from the Aging & Health Section of the American Public Health Association, 2017
- Honorable Mention, James G. Zimmer New Investigator Award from the Aging & Health Section of the American Public Health Association, 2013
- AcademyHealth Public Health Systems Research Scholarship, 2013
- Post-doc, University of Michigan School of Nursing, 2017
- Ph.D., UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, 2015
- MPH, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, 2008
- BA, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 1994
Publication Highlights
Abrams L, Hoffman GJ. Post-hospital care intensity modifies the relationship between depressive symptoms and hospital readmissions but not health outcomes among older adults. Journal of Aging and Health. In press.
Hoffman GJ, Nuliyalu U, Bynum J, Ryan AM. Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias and episode spending under Medicare’s Bundled Payment for Care Improvements Advanced (BPCI-A). Journal of General Internal Medicine. In press.
Hsuan C, Ponce N, Braun T, Hoffman GJ. Are Improvements Still Needed to the Modified Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program: a Health and Retirement Study (2000-14)? Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2020;35(12); 356-3571.
Harris ML, Titler MG, Hoffman GJ. Associations Between Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias and Depressive Symptoms of Partner Caregivers. J Appl Gerontol. 2020 Aug 29:733464820952252.
Hoffman GJ, Webster NJ, Bynum JPW. A Framework for Aging-Friendly Services and Supports in the Age of COVID-19. J Aging Soc Policy. 2020:1-10.
Hoffman GJ, Tinetti ME, Ha J, Alexander NB, Min LC. Prehospital and Posthospital Fall Injuries in Older US Adults. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Aug 3;3(8):e2013243.
Hoffman GJ, Yakusheva O. Association Between Financial Incentives in Medicare's Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program and Hospital Readmission Performance. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(4):e202044.
Hsuan C, Carr B, Hsia RY, Hoffman GJ. The Role of the Emergency Department in Hospital Readmissions Following Implementation of Medicare’s Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(5):e203857.
Sukul D, Hoffman GJ, Nuliyalu U, et al. Association Between Medicare Policy Reforms and Changes in Hospitalized Medicare Beneficiaries' Severity of Illness. JAMA Network Open. 2019;2(5):e193290.
Hoffman GJ, Hsuan C, Braun T, Ponce N, “Heath Equity and Hospital Readmissions: Does Inclusion of Patient Functional and Social Complexity Improve Predictiveness?” Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2019;34(1):26-28.
Yakusheva O, Hoffman GJ. A reduction in readmissions results in net savings for most hospitals, an examination of Medicare’s hospital readmissions reduction program. Medical Care Research and Review. 2020;77(4):334-344.
Hoffman GJ, Tilson S, Yakusheva O. The financial impact of an avoided readmission for teaching and safety-net hospitals under Medicare’s hospital readmission reduction program. Medical Care Research and Review. 2020;77(4):324-333.
Hoffman GJ, Ha J, Alexander NB, Langa KM, Tinetti M, Min LC. Underreporting of Fall Injuries of Older Adults: Implications for Wellness Visit Fall Risk Screening. Journal of American Geriatrics Society. 2018;66(6):1195-1200.
Hoffman, G. J., Hays, R. D., Shapiro, M. F., Wallace, S. P., & Ettner, S. L. (2016). The costs of fall-related injuries among older adults: Annual per-faller, service component, and patient out-of-pocket costs. Health Services Research. 2017;52: 1794-1816.
Hoffman, G. J., Hays, R. D., Shapiro, M. F., Wallace, S. P., & Ettner, S. L. (2016). Claims-based identification methods and the cost of fall-related injuries among US older adults. Medical Care. 54(7), 664-671.